“Black Rock” Palm Beach (VC)
We hope that this Newsletter finds you well as we all navigate the ups and downs of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Physical distancing, good hand hygiene, testing if you have even the mildest symptoms, taking extra care around vulnerable people and avoiding unnecessary travel and crowds are extremely important.
The nearest Covid-19 Test Clinic is in the Community Health Centre (building 14) at Mona Vale Hospital 9-4.30pm 7 days. Please phone 9998 6296 to register for testing.
There have been 161 cases of Covid19 on the Northern Beaches, 3 of these diagnosed in July and all from overseas travellers. The last Community transmission was on April 27 in Dee Why.
The Urgent Care Centre at Mona Vale Hospital (formerly the Emergency Dept) is a free, walk in service for minor injuries and illnesses 24/7. No appointment needed day or night. Patients needing more complex care will be transferred to the Northern Beaches Hospital.
For emergencies or life threatening conditions call 000.
We had hoped to reconvene the popular coffee meetings at the end of July or beginning of August but given the uncertainty of the transmission of Covid-19 and current restrictions we will postpone this until a more suitable time.
We continue to work on and monitor (amongst a myriad of other things!)
- Sand Point erosion
- Whale Beach Rd section of the Coastal Walkway
- The Avalon Place Plan Meeting to discuss: 30th July with CEO of NBC Ray Brownlee.
- Parking concerns raised by residents in Iluka/Woorak/Nabilla Rd. Future coffee meeting planned with residents and NBC to discuss issues. Date to be advised.
- Gov Phillip Park trees on western side. NBC staff have inspected this area and advised that the tree guards are currently protecting some Norfolk Island Pines as well as Banksias. There is one vacant tree guard that will soon house another new Norfolk. An old Banksia was removed next to this and will be re planted with another Norfolk and a new guard erected. Staff recommend that these guards remain for the moment to prevent vandalism and assist with establishment.
- The inaccurate and negative visual impact of signage on the beachfront Ocean Rd.
- The Plans of Management for Iluka Park & Woorak Reserve, Governor Phillip Park and Mackay Reserve are to be discussed with Damien Hand (NBC) at the August Committee meeting.

Existing path Black Rock to Gov Phillip Park (VC)
The project team has been working with PBWBA on the design in order to provide the best outcome for the community.
- Proposed features include;
- Improvements to pedestrian access and safety
- Provision of kerbs, gutters and pram ramps
- Adjustments to drainage
- Improvement to existing parking areas
- New street furniture and minor landscaping
How can you find out more?
If you would like more detail you can access drawings on the NBC “Your Say” page found under the Connected Communities project. https://yoursay.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au/ConnectingNorthernBeaches
The works are planned to commence late August/early September (subject to final approval by RMS) and will take approximately 8 weeks to complete.
If you’d like to speak to the project team or provide comments on the proposal, please contact 1300 434 434 or email projects@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
Governor Phillip Park is Crown Land (VC)
NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is seeking feedback on the draft State Strategic Plan for Crown Land.
What’s this about?
The State Strategic Plan for Crown land will set the vision, priorities and overarching strategy for the management of Crown land for the next ten years.
Working with key stakeholders, industry, other government agencies, Crown land managers and Aboriginal representatives, the department has developed a draft plan which is available now for public consultation.
The draft plan identifies priority areas, outcomes and initiatives to enable the use of Crown land to evolve and meet changing community needs.
Have your say
To provide feedback, visit Draft State Strategic Plan for Crown land on the DPIE website.
Have your say by Thursday 20 August 2020.

Details can be found on:
Submissions can be made before 5 pm 7 August 2020
These melaleuca trees in Whale Beach Rd may be lost when the Coastal Walkway footpath is constructed. PBWBA is advocating for their retention if at all possible.
Fancy a night out at the library?
Do you wish there was more on offer in your area during the evening? Would it surprise you to know that the Council-run libraries might be the answer?
Council are investigating the feasibility of opening up library spaces for additional night time activations and seeking inspiration from our community.
They’ve got some fabulous spaces sitting empty once libraries have closed. These are your spaces! How would you use them? Get creative and post your ideas on the “Have Your Say” section of the NBC website.
Your input will help Council understand how they can use our library spaces in innovative ways to invigorate our town and village centres and meet diverse needs.
Ideas board closes Sunday 9 August 2020. https://yoursay.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au/activation-library-spaces-night
Ideas board
- How would you use our library spaces in the evening to maximise their potential?
- What’s missing in your area?
- What types of activities, programs and events would you be keen to attend at your local library
Heather Thomson NBC Service Capability Manager Library Services ph1300 434 434
Council is warning the community to be wary of rogue tree loppers operating on the Northern Beaches. Households are being targeted by tradesmen who are offering to trim trees without appropriate Council permission, licenses or insurance. Property owners are being left responsible for thousands of dollars in fines as a result of the illegal work by operators who flout the law and can often not be contacted again. Property owners approached by contractors should contact Council first to check that the work complies with Council’s tree controls.
Local amateur photographers are being invited to enter a photo competition at Mona Vale Hospital, to have their work displayed on the walls of the new Geriatric Evaluation Management and Palliative Care facility.
Acting General Manager, Jennifer Parkin said it was a fantastic opportunity for staff and the community. “Art can help deliver welcoming and dynamic spaces for the care and wellness of patients, carers, staff and the community and the competition provides a great opportunity to help brighten the walls of the new facility,” Ms Parkin said.
“We have two great prizes on offer – first prize is a $250 Westfield voucher and second prize is a 2hr private session with professional photographer, Steve Turner,” she said.
Judges are after the best photographic images that capture the local natural environment in Mona Vale and surrounds. The successful entries will be displayed in the main corridors within the new facility when it opens.
The photography competition is open to staff, patients and family, volunteers, students, residents and community members. Details on how to enter can be found on this entry form. Entries close 5pm, 14 August 2020.
Construction of the new Geriatric Evaluation Management and Palliative Care Unit is expected to be completed in September 2020, with operational commissioning to follow.
by Leonor Gouldthorpe (Committee member)
The necessary social isolation due to COVID aggravated the existing problem of suicide and mental health problems in this area. This is evidenced by local services which continue to experience an increase in requests for assistance. The need for social connection has now been highlighted as a crucial factor in mental health wellbeing. Paradoxically, COVID a physical illness, has diminished the stigma of mental illness, bringing its discussion into the open. As a result, a variety of new services have been funded by the three tiers of government and created by community organisations for suicide prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression.
I attended the recent suicide prevention zoom session organised by the NB Council and was impressed by some innovative approaches to counselling services such as Lifeline’s Text line aimed at young people who are used to this medium. (ph 0477 131114)
Another important service is the Parent’s Line NSW (ph 1300130052) which gives much needed assistance to parents to identify and interpret changes experienced by their teenagers and young adult children. Many of the services have seen the need for group training also for teachers and health professionals.
Kyle from Relationships Australia was one of the presenters and can be contacted on 0414 529 030.
Relationships Australia in Dee Why runs a group for parents. “Wraps” for children up to 21 years old is a program with proven benefits. “Good grief” helps those experiencing loss to redirect their lives. Both have websites.
The Black Dog Institute has produced a video “How to Help when you are worried about Someone’s Mental Health” available on YouTube, containing practical and interesting information.
No doubt the pandemic situation is still uncertain, and more repercussions may become apparent as its full impact becomes evident and the stressors of the economic situation and social isolation impact on mental health. So now is the time, more than ever, to aim to make our communities stronger and reinforce solidarity.
View from a hospital ward out to the harbour.
Although a bit further afield many residents will have been to the former Manly Hospital which is situated on a beautiful site with magnificent harbour views.
The site is to be redeveloped as a health and wellbeing sanctuary with proposals for, amongst many other things, a dementia centre, a youth hospice and mental health services in conjunction with Northern Beaches Hospital.
The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is working collaboratively with the Project Steering Advisory Committee (PSAC), incorporating NSW Health, the Northern Sydney Local Health District and community stakeholders, to develop a concept master plan for future uses for the Site.
The concept master plan focuses on developing an adaptive reuse strategy for the existing heritage buildings to deliver a mix of open and community space, health and wellbeing related uses, neighbourhood scale shops and a food and drink offering.
Further community consultation is now being undertaken to seek feedback on the draft concept master plan prior to lodging the planning proposal with the Council for approval.
The draft concept master plan and artist impressions can be viewed below:
Former Manly Hospital Draft Concept Master Plan
Former Manly Hospital – Artist Impressions
Please submit any feedback at feedback@property.nsw.gov.au by close of business Wednesday, 19 August.
The Member for Pittwater, the Hon Rob Stokes, announced this week that Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club and Whale Beach SLSC Inc are among 26 Surf Clubs in NSW that will receive funding to upgrade surf club facilities and improve accessibility.
Palm Beach SLSC will receive $350 000 for critical upgrades to the Peter’s Building and Whale Beach SLSC will receive $38 915 for removal and repair of club access areas.
The upgrades of the Peters Building at Palm Beach SLSC will substantially improve the standard of the building which is no longer deemed safe or suitable for the PBSLSC’s activities, and significant investment and renovation is required to ensure that the building can be more effectively utilised to support the aims of the club.
Palm Beach SLSC President Scott Mathers said “We are extremely appreciative of this grant and thank the member for Pittwater, the Hon Rob Stokes, the NSW Government and SLS NSW for their support. This will be used for necessary upgrades to our iconic building. This is the first major renovations to our heritage facility since it was purchased in 1953”.
The Peters Building (courtesy PBSLSC)
The next Committee Meeting is Monday August 10th 7pm – venue to be confirmed (or Zoom) depending on any restrictions.
Please don’t hesitate to contact PBWBA should you have any comments, issues or ideas you would like to bring to our attention or for us to follow up with Council or the local members of Parliament.
Stay well, stay socially connected, keep physical distancing in mind, keep up good hand hygiene and enjoy our beautiful Palm Beach & Whale Beach environment as much as you can.
Richard West
0407 942 941