What a cold start to winter!
Bracing winds, pounding surf, flying kites, brisk walks along the beach, scrambling ‘round the rocks, whale watching, a sheltered spot in the sun, magnificent sunsets – even in winter there’s always something to enjoy in Palm Beach & Whale Beach.
TO BE HELD ON-SITE AT 1105 BARRENJOEY RD/43 IUKA RD, PALM BEACH (opp Palm Beach Wine Co) 9.30am Thursday 23 June 2022.
Development Application No. 2021/2362 seeks approval for demolition of existing site structure and construction of a multi-storey top housing development at 1105 Barrenjoey Road/43 Iluka Rd, Palm Beach.
To view all the documents and submissions, including PBWBA’s, on the Council website click here DA 2021/2362
With multiple breaches of planning controls proposed, the PBWBA believes that the DA plans represent a gross overdevelopment of the site with unacceptable amenity impacts on the community and should be refused. Further, should this DA be supported in its current form it would make a mockery of the Pittwater LEP and DCPs and pave the way for further non-compliant development particularly in other B1 and B2 zones in Palm Beach.
Council has refused the Application and the Applicant has appealed the decision.
A conciliation conference under s34 of the Land and Environment Court Act 1979 is listed to commence on the site at 9.30am Thursday 23 June 2022. This is a standard practice in appeals of this nature. At the conciliation conference, a Commissioner of the Court will meet with the parties, their legal representatives and any experts which the parties are relying upon to ascertain whether the matter is capable of resolution or whether the issues can be reduced.

The DA proposes the demolition of the existing building and the construction of a multi storey shop top housing development incorporating 5 ground floor level retail tenancies with 3 x 1 bedroom serviced apartments. The upper levels comprise 8 x 3 bedroom apartments. The application also proposes basement car parking.
If you would like to provide any further evidence to the Court in support of the refusal, by way of further written submissions or would like to register to address the Court orally onsite at the commencement of the conciliation conference, please contact Council’s legal representatives Wilshire Webb Staunton Beattie Lawyers ph 9299 3311 – Jonathon Ede or email jede@wilshirewebb.com.au) by no later than Thursday 16 June 2022 so that appropriate arrangements can be made. PBWBA has registered to speak.
For further background click here Pittwater Online News article.
We strongly encourage members of the Community to register to speak, write a submission or attend to show your concern about this development. Remember PBWBA, with 300+ members, is counted as just one voice.
We understand that the Council’s draft Delivery Programme 2022-26 and Operational Plan 2022/23 is the response to the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and that the CSP responds to the vision, priorities and passions of THE COMMUNITY.
While we welcome the opportunity to comment on the Delivery Program we are very disappointed to note the lack of expenditure and overall direction for Palm Beach and Whale Beach. Palm Beach in particular is a major domestic and international visitor destination and it has also become apparent, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic began, that the permanent population is increasing in both Palm & Whale Beach.
The Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan & Budget 2022/2023 is a complex but interesting document with sound “big-picture” goals but it is a very difficult document to review because in so many areas it is non-specific about the actual work details, where they will occur or the cost within the overall budget.
We note the Program states that Council places emphasis on health and recreation, to support the community, getting together and enjoying everything that the Northern Beaches has to offer and that there is a continued emphasis on environmental protection.
Bearing this important statement in mind, and over-development aside, the PB & WB Community nominates the following as being the most important local issues at present –
- The poor state Governor Phillip Park & the importance of preservation of Barrenjoey Headland.
- The deterioration of the ocean pools at Palm Beach & Whale Beach
- The lack of footpaths and the poor state of the roads
We do not understand why these issues have not been addressed in the proposed Delivery Program.
Read the full submission here.

The crushed fill is spreading & choking the grass

Damaged road edges and pothole
We are pleased to see the removal of various items especially the bike path down Old Barrenjoey Road.
The three items below should be given top priority. This would give a greater positive impact to the community.
1. Repaving of footpaths 2. Lighting changes. The lighting at night is substandard and produces a dangerous, unsafe environment. 3. Upgrading of landscaping and street furniture.
The recently released draft Delivery Program 2021-2025 does not provide any substantial expenditure for paving, lighting and street scape etc up front. This should be revised
Proposed terracing of this headland provides seating with great views (!!!) of the main road and the Shell service station.
It should be removed from the draft in its present form. It should be modified so that it provides views of the beach and the ocean.
There were over 500 community submissions which is a phenomenal response however the information gained from these submissions was not effectively presented to the Community Reference Group (CRG).
No changes to the draft plan were made after these submissions were received.
This was very disappointing and surely a loss of creative, valuable and thoughtful ideas from the Avalon Beach community who live around, work in and use the Village regularly.
There is no provision in the program for increased parking. It has become very difficult to get a parking spot in Avalon Beach village. In fact the place plan reduces the number of existing parking spaces. The parking plan presented to the GRG is a very poor document.
There must be provision in the place plan to provide more parking, not less
There needs to be continuing consultation with the Community. There is still a lot of work to be done in the final planning and implementation of the place plan.
A number of the recommendations suggest consultation with the Avalon Chamber of Commerce but this no longer exists.
The CRG must continue so that the Community can be consulted during the implementation of the program. We note implementation will be over a very long 10 year period. This is unacceptable.
We have been researching the dunes area of Nth Palm Beach and advocating strongly for weed removal and maintenance of pathways. Gov Phillip Park central “spine” area is over run and in poor condition.
We note there was some reconstruction of the dunes in the 1960’s as there was continual movement and build up in the north-west corner.

PBWBA Archives – 1969
In the early 1980’s studies into heritage and environmental conservation were undertaken for Governor Philip Park and Barrenjoey Headland. This included a review of the sand dunes and major intervention work was undertaken including re-grading the dunes, installing fencing and re-vegetation using native species. The sand dunes were stabilised by the planting of marram grass which was funded by the NSW Public Works Department.

(courtesy Council archives)

(courtesy Council archives)
LEPs (Local Environmental Plans) and DCPs (Development Control Plans)
We continue to work with other Pittwater residents groups and consultants to discuss, study and understand the planning controls within NBC and other Councils such as Mosman, Woollahra and Hunters Hill.
These incredibly important plans and controls are being reviewed and new ones prepared by NBC.
Overdevelopment is a major issue concerning residents. It is obvious that the current controls must be strengthened and enforced. We will advise you when the draft LEPs and DCPs are available for viewing and community consultation.
Council’s Avalon Beach Customer Service Centre will continue to operate.
It is located in the Recreation Centre 59A Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach
Open: Monday to Friday between 9am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm, excluding public holidays.
For those without computer skills hand written submissions can be submitted over the counter.
Please don’t hesitate to call in for any Council information, queries or payments.
Rock Pools renewal/repairs/maintenance
Mona Vale is first on the list as it has a crack and is not holding water, then Bilgola as it has poor water quality and then Avalon Beach where Council tried to fix the pool deck and has not been successful. The next three to be done are Palm Beach, Whale Beach and Newport. The last is North Narrabeen.
Whale Beach pool
The pump has been replaced and the lighting repaired.
Whale Beach shower
Sydney Water have advised they are investigating the request to repair the shower.
Palm Beach pool surrounds
Contractors have been appointed and works are due to commence before the end of June. The budget to fix the pathway leading to the pool has been cut.
Vegetation maintenance along the pathway near 5 Ocean Road.
A request has been logged to have this vegetation trimmed back (Ref – PK2022/1663) and the beach raked to bring the sand back up where it’s currently dropping off.
Whale Beach Road
Works have been completed on the road stabilization.
PBWBA committee members recently met with NBC CEO Mr Ray Brownlee and Eva Havenstein, NBC Executive Manager Capital Projects, for an on site inspection of the problems on Whale Beach Rd and the planning of the Coastal Walkway.
Public consultation on plans for new toilet and water facilities.
- NPWS have advised that submissions have now closed and that the majority were supportive.
- NPWS will now work on the final plans with the heritage architect, seek all approvals and hopefully commence work in the spring.
- Outdoor seating requirements are also being reviewed and plans are underway to provide rest areas.
- An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) will be installed and will provide emergency location information for visitors.
- NPWS will be installing replacement signage on Station Beach to indicate there is water and toilets at the site.
Barrenjoey Lighthouse tours are held every Sunday from 15 May 2022 to Sunday 25 June 2023.
Tour times: 11am to 11.30am, 12pm to 12.30pm, 1pm to 1.30pm, 2pm to 2.30pm and 3pm to 3.30pm (except Christmas Day & New years Day).
Walking Grade Medium: suitable for most ages and fitness levels but no wheelchair access. There is a 1.1km walk up to the Lighthouse with some steep sections.
Cost: Adult $10 per person. Concession $8 per person. Child $5 per person. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Accompanying adults need to book and pay.
Meeting point: Barrenjoey Lighthouse. Allow at least 40mins to walk from the carpark in Gov Phillip Park to the lighthouse before your tour departs.
Bookings required. Phone 1300 072 757 or book online. Tour Bookings
Cr Korzy, Cr Amon, Cr Gencher.
Each month the meetings will be held at a different venue in Pittwater giving everyone an opportunity to attend closer-to-home meetings.
Thursday June 23rd – Mona Vale Surf Club – Ocean Pool Function Room at 7pm
Register to attend
From July, meetings will be held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7pm
- Wednesday 27 July – Avalon Recreation Centre
- Wednesday 24 August – Newport Community Centre
Located upstairs in the Avalon Beach Recreation Centre.
(lift access available).
Wed 22 June 3pm
Local Author – Ali Lowe
Interested in volunteering at the Library?
email: avalonlibrary@ozemail.com.au
or ask at the desk
Did you know that Lifeline Northern Beaches offers a free counselling service for 15 to 24 year olds at the Avalon Youth Hub? – and it’s FREE. No GP referral is required. Phone for appointment 9949 5522 or email counselling@lifelinenb.org.au | Avalon Youth Hub
Don’t forget your $25 vouchers expire on 30 June.
These local businesses would appreciate your support by using the vouchers –
Club Palm Beach, Jonahs, Barrenjoey House, Coast, Boathouse Bakery, 2108 Espresso, Palm Beach Golf Club, Dunes and La Boca Palms.

New pylons have been installed for The Boathouse rebuild – Station Beach
Midget Farrelly was one of the best and most respected surfers in the 60s. He was the first male world surfing champion – and a local.
The Midget Farrelly Recognition Committee is working to raise $160 000 to donate to NBC’s Public Art Working Group program to have a bronze work of Midget Farrelly created by a local artist. Northern Beaches Council has included this proposed work on its official list of future artworks. The Committee would like to have the work erected on the beach reserve opposite opposite 2108 Cafe where the buses terminate. PBWBA is supportive of this project.

Artist’s impression – classic Midget surfing style
Enquiries: midgetrecognition@gmail.com
A “GoFundMe” page has been set up. https://www.gofundme.com/f/midget-farrelly-recognition
The next Coffee Meeting is Friday 24th June, 10.30am at The Pacific Club. Please use the Cabbage Tree Club stairs as there is maintenance being done to the upstairs courtyard at the Pacific Club.
This is great way to discuss any local matters, ask questions and meet residents and neighbours.
Please support your favourite local cafe and BYO coffee or tea!
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your comments, concerns or questions.
Prof Richard West AM
0407 942 941 click to PBWBA contact
North Palm Beach – on a cold, blustery day.