The Committee has been very busy involved in or attending many meetings, discussions, forums etc with our Local Member Rob Stokes, the Federal Member Jason Falinksi, senior Council officers and our neighbouring residents’ associations. The main issues of concern continue to be over-development, traffic, planning, footpaths, the environment, Gov Phillip Park and problematic DAs (development applications).

Spume/foam at Palm Beach after the recent wild weather.
The recent high tides, floods and heavy rain have caused foam or spume to engulf the shoreline. Sea foam, ocean foam, beach foam, or spume is created by the agitation of seawater, particularly when it contains higher concentrations of dissolved organic matter such as salts, proteins, fats, dead algae, detergents and other pollutants These compounds can act as surfactants or foaming agents. The foam is generally not harmful.
The same phenomenon occurred at Palm Beach in the 1940’s as seen in these photos from the Geddes family collection.
We requested Council to repair the path and surrounds at the Johnny “Jack” Carter pool at Palm Beach. The path has many trip hazards, can be slippery and there are chunks of concrete in the pool. Repairs will be completed as soon as possible.
The Johnny “Jack” Carter pool and the Whale Beach pool are well used and popular year round. The following information may answer your questions re pool cleaning.
How often are rock pools cleaned?
During the summer peak season every rock pool is emptied and cleaned once a week and each pool has a set day so the community know when to expect it.
What is involved in the weekly cleaning?
Firstly, the pool is drained as much as possible. Sometimes sand or weed build up in the pool, high/low tides and prevailing surf conditions can make a full drain impossible. Crews work to clear the drainage valves where they can, so the water level is as low as possible before they commence the clean.
From there a high-pressure device is used to remove sand and algae build up from the walls, pool floor, ramps, stairs and railings. If the pool has not been able to be completely emptied it can be difficult to access all surfaces.
Additional earth moving machinery is employed as required to remove excess sand or debris.
This year high levels of rain are impacting on water quality of all the beaches. The Environment Protection Authority recommend “as a general precaution, swimming at Sydney’s ocean beaches should be avoided for up to one day after heavy rainfall or for as long as stormwater is present. The most obvious signs of stormwater pollution are water discoloration as well as debris in the water and on the tide line.” The EPA provide a daily water quality update.
Two Council crews, operating on a north and south split, follow the same weekly cleaning roster as has been in place for many years.
From time to time when larger excavation equipment is required Council engage contractors to perform this task under the rock pool cleaning team’s supervision.
Rockpool cleaning schedule

Whale Beach pool

The Johnny “Jack” Carter pool Palm Beach
In 1925 The Palm Beach & Whale Beach Association (PBWBA) proposed that the strip of land between Pittwater and the Ocean Beach be dedicated as a public park. It was subsequently named Governor Phillip Park, accepted by the former Warringah Council and this Park is something the Association has fiercely guarded ever since.
Governor Phillip Park is Crown Land. It is an extremely popular regional recreation and tourist area located in Palm Beach at the northern-most point of Sydney, attracting locals, people living throughout Sydney, from the regions, interstate and overseas. The dramatic setting, sense of isolation, diversity of recreational opportunities, and numerous cultural, heritage and geological features provide a unique environment. Governor Phillip Park is surrounded by North Palm Beach and the Tasman Sea on the eastern side, the Pittwater waterway on the western side and Barrenjoey Headland on the northern side. This combination of unique natural and visual features within a relatively small area makes Governor Phillip Park one of the outstanding coastal reserves in New South Wales. However, the natural beauty, historical significance and recreational value of Governor Phillip Park give rise to increasing pressures upon its natural environment, threats to its heritage features, conflicts between various users of the park and pressures to raise funds for park improvements from commercial activities. To preserve its attractions while its facilities remain available to those who wish to enjoy them, this valuable open space resource must be carefully managed as a Crown recreation reserve by Northern Beaches Council.
The Plan of Management (PoM) GPP Plan Of Management for GPP was developed by the former Pittwater Council and adopted on 9 December 2002, almost 20 years ago. The PoM is still in force but we believe it requires urgent revision, after comprehensive community consultation, to ensure it is appropriate and relevant for 2022 and beyond.
The local community has become more and more concerned about the increasingly tired and worn state of Governor Phillip Park. With its picnic shelters and tables, barbecues and playground, open space for activities, walking and quiet contemplation, GPP has been a very popular place to exercise and meet socially outdoors especially during the pandemic. Barrenjoey Lighthouse, which is visited by hundreds of thousands of people every year, is accessed via the northern end of the park.
At the end of 2020 Council proposed a Landscape Improvement Plan (not a new PoM) for GPP to “tidy up”/improve/tweak the Park whilst keeping its character, celebrating its environment and improving functionality.
It was made clear that the intention was to minimise any works that would impact upon the wild and natural aspects of the park whilst considering the pressure of excessive maintenance demands.
It would, amongst other things, include:
- Attend to beach side erosion east and west.
- Assess strategic planting of mature trees for shade (but mindful of view blocking.
- Provide for the replacement or adding of bins and assessing their overall look.
- Undertake maintenance of seating and tables.
- Improving paths and wayfinding.
- Look into increasing toilet facilities.
Council officers assured the Community that at all times they would be mindful of keeping the Park as natural as possible with minimal intervention and minimising “urban” elements (eg asphalt and concrete) while balancing the costs and time involved in maintenance issues when “natural” materials and elements are used.
We were thus extremely disappointed to be advised that an upgrade would not take place until at least FY 2022/23 due to Council budget constraints ie no money!
And then there’s the impact of “Home & Away.” Pandemic aside, thousands of visitors from all over the world come every year to see “Summer Bay”, Alf’s Bait Shop. the Home & Away cafe, the stars and the cast and the filming process. Visitors come via car, bicycle, public bus, ferry, tour groups and even seaplane.
“Home and Away” has been filming for approximately 30 years in Gov Phillip Park – which is Crown Land – and is distributed to more than 80 countries around the world. This would suggest it generates very substantial revenue for the TV Network. We acknowledge and welcome the fact that “Home & Away” showcases Palm Beach and the Barrenjoey Lighthouse precinct to the world and provides benefits to various sectors of the Pittwater economy such as accommodation, surf schools, hospitality and weddings. However we are concerned that the filming fees charged in Gov Phillip Park for the filming of “Home Away” do not reflect comparative rates in other cities where the location is a major element of the brand and is a vital outdoor studio for the work.
From our observation, the area of the park which Home & Away now occupies when filming, with vehicles (both trucks and cars), associated equipment and personnel and the duration of the production in the park – both during the day and into the night – has increased over the last 5 years or so. We believe this should also be reflected in the filming fees set by Council. Council will state that they are “hamstrung” by State Govt filming fee regulations which mandate low fees be charged to encourage the film industry and promote tourism. We believe that this strategy was developed by the NSW Govt with one-off filming projects such as commercials or documentaries in mind, not for projects which have lasted 30 years! We believe this anomaly should be addressed by the Minister for Local Govt. This location is now effectively a significant permanent location equivalent to a studio. Fees should reflect such commercial rates and not be charged on a casual daily rate basis, as published in the Council’s Film Rates but reflect the considerable scale and regularity of its operation.
The Park’s natural environment and infrastructure is impacted by the large number of visitors who come because of Home and Away and thus the fees charged need to compensate for this increased pressure on, for example, rubbish collection, toilet facilities, additional wayfinding signage and repair to road edges and potholes created by the very large filming vehicles.

Queue for toilets – northern end of GPP.
Again, we acknowledge and welcome the fact that “Home & Away” showcases Palm Beach and the Barrenjoey Lighthouse precinct to the world and provides benefits to various sectors of the Pittwater economy and opportunities for employment in the entertainment industry and for local young actors.
We will continue to insist that all revenue (fees and charges) raised in the Park be spent within the park and not elsewhere. We will continue to insist that fees reflect comparative rates in other cities where the location is a major element of the brand and is, in fact, a vital outdoor studio for the production.
Open space is so important to the Community and we will continue to protect the Park on behalf of the Community and seek funds for improvements and maintenance from the NSW Govt, the Federal Govt or the Council for this well loved, well used and iconic piece of Crown Land.
The weeds running rampant in Governor Phillip Park we were very surprised that no funds were allocated to GPP for 2022.
GPP missed out on much needed funding, announced on February 8th by the NSW Government which stated it will invest $15.23 million from the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund into more than 250 projects to maintain and upgrade Crown land reserves and community facilities across the state.

February 4 2022 Pittwater side, Palm Beach Dunes. Coastal Morning Glory covers shrubs, Ground cover is Asparagus Fern (PNHAssoc)
Minister for Lands and Water Kevin Anderson said maintaining and enhancing Crown reserves supports business, tourism and recreation and gives locals access to quality open spaces.
Crown land reserves support everything from parks, community halls, nature areas, and showgrounds to sporting facilities, camping areas and walking tracks. They also provide a home for organisations like Scouts and Girl Guides, Men’s Sheds, Police Citizens Youth Clubs, and Surf Life Saving clubs.
“The NSW Government knows how important it is that we keep Crown reserves in top shape in order to support the communities that rely on these facilities. In doing so we are also protecting the environment and supporting tourism, business, and local economies,” Mr Anderson said.
“The Crown Reserves Improvement Fund supports projects in all areas of the state, particularly in regional NSW where we know communities make great use of facilities on Crown Land.”
“It will also keep our reserves healthy and protect native plants and animals by removing noxious weeds and controlling feral pests like foxes, rabbits and cats.”

February 4 2022 Pittwater side, Palm Beach Dunes Coast Banksia covered with Coastal Morning Glory. When this tree dies of smothering or old age, the dense weeds beneath it will prevent any seedlings growing to replace it. (PNHAssoc).
The “spine” between Palm Beach dunes and the park area on the Pittwater side is covered in weeds to the point where the weeds are now strangling to death long established trees.
However, Council has just advised that the $29 000 granted in 2021 from the NSW Crown Reserves Improvement Fund will be used for the removal of bitou bush, lantana, dead trees and fallen branches this month.
While this is welcome, it is a drop in the ocean for what is required to keep GPP “in top shape”
Council undertakes a scheduled maintenance program to control weeds in high use areas, including foreshore parks, and on sportsfields.
Weeds in gardens are also controlled as a component of ongoing maintenance.
Council does not undertake control of weeds on nature strips adjacent to private property. Council does however mow nature strips alongside public property, which assists in control of various weed species.
Weeds in high use areas
The President and five members of the PBWBA Committee met with Rob Stokes, the member for Pittwater, in his offices on Friday 11 March.
We spoke about recent modifications to the proposed development at 231 Whale Beach Road Whale Beach. Modification 231 Whale Beach Rd. More than 60 people have lodged their concerns about it, meaning the DA will have to go before the Local Planning Panel. Rob Stokes undertook to make his own submission primarily on the grounds of increased noise levels in the vicinity. With major excavations in Whale Beach Road and other areas, we expressed concern about the movement of large trucks on our narrow roads and the growing use of massively sized cranes. Rob agreed to find out what the regulations are with cranes and how long they may remain on site.
Narrow, winding Whale Beach Rd is very difficult to negotiate due to increase in usage by huge trucks, trade vehicles and construction infrastucture.
Coastal Walkway
The project to build this section of walkway along Whale Beach Road between Norma and Florida Roads has been further delayed and we expressed our concerns about it meeting the needs of local residents, particularly with regard to parking. We enquired about funding and were assured that the State has allocated money to council for the walkway, funds that cannot be put to other purposes.
Duration of DAs
The matter of DAs seeming to have a limitless life has been examined by the Department of Planning and some adjustments made. Rules have also been tightened on the definition of ‘substantial commencement’. These changes are not retrospective. As such, they won’t apply to sites like 27 Florida Road. However, council can insist developments proceed on safety grounds.
Development on the Bilgola Bends
Although the DA for a development at 521 Barrenjoey Road, Bilgola Beach – right on “The Bends” – had been refused there was uncertainty about what would be the next step. We pointed out the need for a permanent solution as there were several other blocks that could be developed, some owned by private individuals and some by the State Government. Rob agreed to examine the possibility of the State-owned blocks being safeguarded and thus unavailable for development. A buy-back scheme should be considered for the privately-owned blocks not yet developed and council has suggested they be incorporated into Hewitt Park.
New LEPs and DCPs
Frank Bush spoke of the common views held by the 14 organisations within the Pittwater Alliance on what should be included in the new LEPs and DCPs. He also spoke on the importance of Character Statements to define localities though council were pushing back on having as many as 60 of them in the Northern Beaches. Rob Stokes stressed the need to finalise the new LEPs and DCPs as soon as possible to have them legislated and brought into effect. The disquiet within the community about the planning decision made on the development in Robertson Road, Newport, was discussed. Rob Stokes said that it was more complicated than it appeared as the DA which had been approved was in line with the Newport Master Plan and within planning regulations and it was probably the best practical outcome at this stage.
Avalon Place Plan
The next draft of the Avalon Place Plan would soon be issued for consultation and Rob Stokes thought council should get it out as soon as possible.
We discussed what we thought was an inadequate police response to this issue and Rob Stokes agreed to find out how many infringements had been issued in the area as way of factually measuring police activity in the area.
Barrenjoey Lighthouse toilets
Temporary toilets remain in use with permanent facilities funded for early next year. Rob Stokes agreed to have the sign removed that indicates no water or toilets are available on the headland.
Governor Phillip Park
We emphasised the urgent need for maintenance of the park. Rob Stokes said the State Government had given a grant for the Park of $28,942 in 2021 and money was available in a State Government fund if an application was made by the Reserve Trust Manager at the Council setting out a case for necessary investment in the Park.
Mona Vale Hospital
This site would only be used for medical facilities and a Renal Dialysis Unit was currently planned. He guaranteed that there are no plans to sell any of the land on the site.
Wakehurst Parkway
Plans to flood proof Wakehurst Parkway had been prepared and tenders would soon be voted on at council level. It appears that the most logical approach to dealing with this issue would entail the removal of a huge number of trees and Rob said he was aware of community concern with this.
Pittwater Park Area Precinct
Rob Stokes confirmed he’d received this PBWBA authored document on the proposed precinct and supported it.
Proposed meeting with Ray Brownlee
Rob Stokes said that he’d talk to Ray Brownlee, CEO of Northern Beaches Council, on the issues we’d raised, particularly the matter of overdevelopment.
We have been watching with interest the initiatives being explored by Bayside Council (Sans Souci, Rockdale, Mascot, Botany Bay etc) to combat the problem of “hoons” in their suburbs. Despite our representations to Northern Beaches Area Command police, the Council and the State Govt, “hoons” continue to use Barrenjoey Rd and Ocean Rd as a racetrack with dangerous driving and unacceptable noise a regular occurrence.
Bayside Council has invested in the latest smart technology to help curb anti-social behaviour in the suburbs surrounding the foreshore of Botany Bay.
Council began trialling Licence Plate Recognition software by installing sophisticated high-tech cameras on a vehicle to issue parking infringements and saw the potential to use it for other purposes.
Over the past months, in what is an Australian first, Council staff have been working with technology innovators and the police to use the software to introduce a smart system to capture anti-social behaviour on local streets and on the water.
The first static cameras with the ability to read and record the licence plate of a vehicle while taking a photo have now been strategically placed to capture illegal activity and anti-social behaviour.
Any illegal activity will now be recorded, the vehicle owner identified, and the video evidence supplied to local police, or Council will issue infringement fines.
Further away, in Paris, authorities have switched on its first noise radar as part of a plan to fine loud motorcycles and other vehicles in one of Europe’s noisiest cities.
The machine is placed high on a street lamp-post and is able to measure the noise level of moving vehicles and to identify their licence plate. The devices are nicknamed “Meduses” (jellyfish).
We will continue to advocate for the installation/trialling of similar technology in Barrenjoey Rd and Ocean Rd.

Barrenjoey Lighthouse
Project Update 2/2022
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is improving visitor amenities
at Barrenjoey Headland. Barrenjoey Lighthouse Plans
NPWS is continuing to work with Aileen Sage Architects to develop the design for the planned amenities at Barrenjoey Headland. The initial concepts are almost complete.
The amenities will have the following features:
- Natural materials including stone and timber will be used in the building and pathway.
- Three cubicles including baby change facilities are planned.
- A water refill station will be incorporated into the design.
- Located away from the historical buildings.
The concept plans for community consultation are scheduled to be released later this month.
There are NO plans for any development of the buildings on Barrenjoey Headland apart from the amenities.
Bayview Church Point Residents’ Association (BCPRA) has expressed concern with and alerted us to
a new “NSW Houseboat Access Policy” developed by The Maritime Branch of TransportforNSW.
“You may have noticed increasing numbers of houseboats appearing on Pittwater in recent years. As a result of a policy document recently released by Transport NSW and a local marketing campaign, the number of houseboats around our shores could start to escalate fairly quickly. The houseboat marketing material states “Until recently, you could only have one of these if you had a waterfront property. Now you can have one anywhere, and even better, you can move it whenever you want a better view.”
There are no DA type processes involved with the design and construction of houseboats, nor are there any requirements for waste management. Hence there are significant potential environmental, visual amenity and safety implications for Pittwater residents and users. BCPRA has approached Transport for NSW in an effort to contain the spread of houseboats and to secure the better overall management of their approval and usage. They have had discussions with the local Maritime operations manager and local member Rob Stokes.
Houseboats on Pittwater near Rowland Reserve (courtesy BCPRAssoc).
The main issues are – containing the number of houseboats; the absence of transparent/enforceable controls around waste management; lack of clarity and opportunity for consultation on visual amenity considerations ; clarity and enforcement around rental arrangements ; anchoring arrangements; and the application of enforceable/transparent regulation of live onboard provisions in mooring licence conditions.
PCA is a federation of 14 Pittwater Community groups which assists in representing their interest in protecting and preserving the unique environment of Pittwater.
PCA chaired this discussion on over-development, inappropriate DAs and new Local Environment Plan (LEP). 3 PBWBA Committee members attended.
PCA believes there are five critical areas which all contribute to both current over-development and loss of environment: –
1. The LEP contains various conditions for development in the various planning zones. These include such matters as heights (not just the 8.5m limit), environment protection requirements; types of building (e.g. “low impact housing”), etc. These conditions are not being enforced – they are not even being defended but these conditions are part of the planning law.
2. The Development Control Plan (DCP) contains locality statements, more environmental protections, more height limits, footprint limits (the 60:40 rule) and so on. The DCP is also a legal document but much of it is treated as not enforceable in the DA stage which is wrong.
3. The role of Section 4.6 is – “to provide an appropriate degree of flexibility in applying certain development standards to particular developments”. It is being used to drive a coach and horses through the LEP and DCP. It has to be changed.
4. There is a perception in the Council that defending appeals to the Land & Environment Court is expensive and the Council is likely to fail. So no effort is taken to defend the LEP and DCP and instead priority is given to trying to negotiate a less worse result with the developer, from a position of weakness. Unfortunately this was not adequately discussed because of time.
5. Pre-lodgement meetings. We believe most of the issues outlined in the four previous points should be able to be headed off in these meetings. We would like this matter addressed at our meeting and an explanation of how this is managed. We are concerned that breaches may be conceded at this point and then later attempted to be justified. We were not given any re-assurance that pre-lodgement meetings would be strengthened or any data on the frequency of their use.
PCA and the 14 Pittwater Ward Community Groups will continue to work with Council on developing the new LEP and DCP.
Many residents in Boanbong, Cynthea, Bynya, Ebor, Ralston, Mackay Rd and all the way down to Barrenjoey Rd Palm Beach are extremely concerned about the following proposal –
Optus, Vodafone and Ericsson have notified a handful of residents that they wish to now add further 5G equipment, increasing the electric field and electromagnetic radiation (EMR or also referred as EME in reports) to a high and concerning level for affected residents in our area. In fact, the EMR levels proposed will be amongst the highest in a residential area in Australia. The significant increase in Electric Field and EMR levels will impact residents living within a 0.5 kilometre (500 metre) radius of the tower. Adjacent surrounding residence/dwellings which are not identified in the report show EF and EMR levels even higher.
The water tank was originally placed in this position to provide easy access to water. Over the past twenty years, it has grown significantly in size shadowing many homes from much needed easterly sun, the addition of an extra platform to house the telcos equipment resulted in the loss of old growth trees and more shadowing, the antennas need fans and air conditioning plants for cooling and this has been an ongoing noise pollution issue for houses in direct sight of the tower. Now the increase once again of EMR levels creates very serious concerns with the health impact of such increased electromagnetic radiation for our low density residential community.
Many people may not even be aware that the water tower is a mobile base station. It is shrouded to a degree. We urge you to object to the inclusion of more antennas particularly on health and safety grounds. Please also alert your neighbours.
Please email a simple objection if you object and do not consent to this Optus and Vodafone proposal.
EME report details of this proposal Radio Frequency National Site Archive (
Email: Attention To: James McIver at consultation@catalystone.
Subject: Objection to 5G upgrade works to mobile phone Base Station at Water Reservoir 6 Boanbong Road, Palm Beach NSW 2108 RNFSA Ref 2108001
If you are comfortable, please copy or forward your email objection to:
Northern Beaches Council at PlanningEnquiries@
Ms Kelly Bayer Rosmarin, CEO of Optus at
For further information, you may be interested to read the following international articles:
Physicians for Safe Technology | Cell Tower Radiation Health Effects (
Read the 2020 NIR Consensus Statement – Phire Medical
5G Appeal – 5G Appeal Scientist 5G appeal call for 5G roll out moratorium
Local Northern Beaches Facebook Group:
The residents have raised concerns with Northern Beaches Councillors and with Federal MPs, in particular Jason Falinski, but they need locals to get on board and send an objection to highlight community concerns. For further information or questions regarding this notice and updates to this Optus Vodaphone consultation process please contact the local group of concerned residents at:
If possible they would also appreciate letting them know you have sent an objection to CatalystOne for the Optus and Vodafone proposal.
The NSW Government has announced a ban on offshore exploration and mining.
Controversy over offshore exploration came to a head last year with the expiration of a previously granted licence off the coast of the Northern Beaches known as PEP 11.
The Prime Minister announced the Petroleum Exploration Permit 11 licence would not be renewed in December 2021. The PEP 11 licence expiration was met with the approval of community groups such as the Surfrider Foundation as well as Northern Beaches MPs Jason Falinski and Zali Steggall OAM, who had both consistently opposed the renewal.
NSW Deputy Premier and Minister for Resources Paul Toole announced on 23 February 2022 that the NSW Government will no longer support commercial applications for offshore resource exploration or mining in NSW coastal waters. Limited exceptions will remain for tackling coastal erosion through beach renourishment or where a clear public benefit exists.
Meet Your Councillors
Thursday 24 March at the Newport Community Centre 7pm
Within Pittwater there are ideas, issues, concerns, and opinions and your Pittwater Ward Councillors want to hear directly from you.
Come and meet face to face 7pm, Thursday 24 March at the Newport Community Centre where everyone has the opportunity to:
- obtain, share and discuss local issues to Pittwater
- promote a close association between the Pittwater Ward Councillors and the community
- actively participate in planning and decision making relevant to their area
- inform the Councillors, and provide input into areas of concern
- assist the Councillors canvas residents’ and other local views on issues and to maintain open and accountable local government
- encourage positive and respectful interaction between all community members & groups.
The Pittwater Ward community meetings will be held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7pm.
Each month the meetings will move to a different venue in Pittwater giving everyone an opportunity to attend closer-to-home meetings. Avalon – April 28th and Terrey Hills May 26th.
If you would like to attend, please register. Register for Meeting
NBC has advised that the footpath along Barrenjoey Rd between Careel Head Rd and Currawong Ave is due to start this financial year. However, it is subject to the signing of a deed with Transport for NSW and Minister Stokes’ office has been contacted about it.
NBC has advised that they have applied to Transport NSW for grant funding for steps to be built from Surf Rd to Barrenjoey Rd
Surf Road carries a great deal of traffic to Whale Beach and Bynya Road and the corner where it meets Barrenjoey Road is an area of particular concern. It is a difficult corner for cars to negotiate with little visibility when turning out of Surf Road in either
direction and it is very dangerous for pedestrians. There are bus stops situated near this intersection on both sides of Barrenjoey Road and neither has safe pedestrian access. The choice is either to walk on the narrow roadway with cars turning from several directions or to scramble down a steep grassy bank which is impossible for the elderly, the less able, pedestrians with strollers and inadvisable for children.
We suggested steps such as these located at the junction of Darley Rd East and Barrenjoey Rd Mona Vale.
Myoora Rd Terrey Hills
Construction has commenced of a new private hospital with 84 beds and 7 operating theatres providing high-end private surgery and treatment for people with cardio, vascular, spinal and orthopaedic needs. The hospital will include two levels of basement parking, physio areas, a hydrotherapy pool, pathology, pharmacy, radiology and pavilion-style buildings. Due for completion mid 2023.
Sun 27th March 9am – 3pm
“The Trivia Night” is a gripping, domestic page-turner full of shocking reveals, perfect for fans of Liane Moriarty and Sally Hepworth.
When: Thursday 7th April, 2022@ 6pm
Where: Avalon Recreation Centre Room 2
59a Old Barrenjoey Road Avalon
Book ahead to reserve your spot: Visit Avalon Library or call 9918 3013
Tickets $7.00 includes glass of wine & nibblie
Careel Bay Playing Fields – drive through
Laverty Pathology
- Appointment not required
- Referral not required
- Testing for all patients
Monday 8:00AM – 12:00PM, Tuesday 8:00AM – 12:00PM, Wednesday 8:00AM – 12:00PM, Thursday 8:00AM – 12:00PM, Friday 8:00AM – 12:00PM, Saturday Closed, Sunday Closed.
Newport – walk in. Open 7 days – 4.30pm
Australian Clinical Laboratories –
upstairs above The Newport Doctor cnr Bramley Ave & Barrenjoey Rd
- Appointment not required
- Referral not required
- Testing for all patients
Mona Vale Urgent Care Centre
Coronation Pde Mona Vale (former MV Hospital)
Testing and vaccinations. Vaccination Booking
Just when many of us thought we had turned around the corner with the COVID menace, we learnt about Omicron and possibly more variants to come. This, coupled with the disasters of floods and the escalation of international conflict has increased already existing level of anxiety amongst us.
In response to a perceived demand for support services several organisations are providing people who experience anxiety with supportive environments to share stories and learn from each other.
One of these organisations is Wayahead, which offers Social anxiety support groups on line or in person.
Face to face groups take place at the Brookvale Community Centre, 2 Alfred Road, Brookvale.
Online registration can be made through Eventbrite. There are multiple dates available.
WayAhead Mental Health Association of NSW is a charity organisation aiming to educate people on mental health and well-being and providing links to services.
For more information: Wayahead
Phone: 0293396013
59A Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach NSW 2107 Australia
Open: Monday to Friday between 9am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm, excluding public holidays.
Council may close this service centre if usage keeps declining.
Barrenjoey Rd Palm Beach (Barrenjoey Anglican Church)
There is speculation the church may close due to the dwindling congregation.
Sat 30th April & Sun 1st May
The first coffee meeting of the year (and the first since November 2021) was held at the Pacific Club on 21st Feb. Over 30 people attended including Miranda Korzy, one of our new Ward Councillors who stood as a candidate for the Greens, and Dale Cohen, Publisher of Northern Beaches Advocate. Miranda confirmed that her overwhelming priority was to preserve the environment of the area, which aligns with our own focus.
TUESDAY MARCH 29th 10.30am upstairs at The Pacific Club
Please support your favourite cafe and BYO coffee/tea.
Monday April 11th 7pm upstairs at The Pacific Club
All members welcome to attend.
Tinnies at Snapperman Beach (Susi Hanke)
We look forward to seeing you at one of these meetings.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your concerns, questions or comments.
PO BOX 2 Palm Beach 2108
Stay well.
Prof Richard West AM
0407 942 941