Our popular annual Christmas Cocktail Party was held recently at Moby Dicks Whale Beach. It was a lovely evening enjoyed by approximately 100 members and guests. The Hon Rob Stokes, Member for Pittwater and Dr Sophie Scamps Member for Mackellar attended along with the Mayor of Northern Beaches Council, Michael Reagan and the three Pittwater Ward Councillors Cr Miranda Korzy, Cr Michael Gencher & Cr Rory Amon.
Christmas Cocktail Party at Moby Dicks
We have worked hard this year writing submissions, attending many meetings and keeping up with local and state government issues which directly affect Pittwater Ward.
In particular we thank Frank Bush (vice president of the Committee) for his extraordinary, detailed work in preparing the PBWBA submission for the Council’s proposed Conservation Zones and Geotechnical Studies Review. The Council documents are very complex and technical.
We believe the recommendations made in our submission would provide a better balance of risk management against natural hazards, better preserve the current locality character, including the natural environment, and enable development which is environmentally sustainable.
They would also strengthen the Council’s control over minimum lot sizes in the LEP to provide for buildings, pedestrian and vehicular access and landscaping and Council’s power to retain the topographical natural features of the LGA. Conservation Zones Submission | Geotechnical Planning Controls
Barrenjoey Lighthouse.
We recently met with National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) to express the Community’s strong opposition to their proposal to re-purpose the Assistant Lighthouse Keeper’s Cottage into short term holiday accommodation. Around 400 submissions have been made to the 2022 ‘Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park and Island Nature Reserves Draft Plan of Management’ although NPWS staff could not state how many were made specifically about the proposal for Barrenjoey.
Contracts are awarded to private entities for the running of short term accommodation within National Parks. It is essentially privatisation of what is a public asset.
The Association was informed that NPWS will submit a report to the NSW Heritage Minister, Manly MP James Griffin in January 2023. The Minister considers the plan, submissions and advice, makes any necessary changes and decides whether to adopt the plan under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. It is likely there is a push to have this ratified prior to the 2023 State Election.
PBWBA has a meeting with Minister Stokes on Dec 21st to discuss this (and other issues) and we have also requested an urgent meeting with Minister Griffin.
Please read the excellent article in Pittwater Online News for further information. Pittwater Online News Barrenjoey Lighthouse
Further details and updates to come in our January Newsletter.
We are continually gathering photos and information for presentations to Council, TforNSW, National Parks and other agencies to illustrate our concerns about all sorts of issues which arise in the area particularly Governor Phillip Park, The Barrenjoey Lighthouse precinct, Surf Rd intersection with Barrenjoey Rd, construction and traffic issues. We would really appreciate any current photos, issues, problems, ideas, suggestions or comments to add to our files. Please send to info@pbwba.org.au
Our PRIORITIES FOR 2023 will include –
- The new NBC Local Environment Plan (LEP) which includes development controls and local character statements which are very important if we wish to maintain the seaside character of Whale Beach and Palm Beach.
- The proposed Conservation Zones and Scenic Protection Zone.
- Barrenjoey Lighthouse – “NO” to proposed short term accommodation
- Overdevelopment – massive excavation and non-compliance with the Pittwater14 LEP & DCP controls
- Encourage Council to monitor & minimize disturbance to other residents during the many huge excavations and constructions which are taking place. Detailed Traffic Management Plans and the use of cranes and heavy vehicles must be monitored and regulations/conditions enforced.
- The walkway from Whale Beach to Palm Beach which seems to have come to a halt.
- Footpath – Barrenjoey Rd from Careel Bay to Iluka Rd (sth)
- Footpath and steps at Surf Rd intersection with Barrenjoey Rd.
- Governor Phillip Park Plan of Management development/fees/ maintenance/ infrastructure
- Tree canopy – preservation
- Traffic and parking – continually working/liaising with Council and TforNSW – particularly Whale Beach Rd which is fast becoming ‘unfit for purpose’.
We look forward to continuing to work closely with Council and the Pittwater Ward Councillors Cr Miranda Korzy, Cr Rory Amon & Cr Michael Gencher to ensure the best outcomes for the Community.
Again, we stress our objective is to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of the area and to protect the local amenity by promoting proper planning of all developments and by expressing positively, in appropriate quarters, the views of residents.
We welcome you to attend our informal coffee meetings or monthly Committee Meetings in 2023. We encourage you to read the Newsletters which are either emailed or posted to you and are also on the website. We try to provide Palm Beach and Whale Beach local news and items covering a broad range of topics.
We would like to thank the following people and organisations for their continuing help and support:
Palm Beach Surf Club – our monthly Committee meeting venue and often the Coffee Meeting venue.
Jason Marty of Intervision Design, Avalon for his work with us on the Newsletters, emails, functions & website.
Northern Beaches Council, particularly Trish Chaney and Annie Lang from Community Liaison. All the Committee for their input, attendance and contribution to meetings, submissions, correspondence and support.
The Boathouse Group – Moby Dicks Whale Beach.
We hope you enjoy this holiday time and make the most of our beautiful area. Apart from the beaches there are many spectacular walks including the ‘Stairway to Heaven’ (begins opp Palm Beach Wine Co), the walk up to the historic Lighthouse or along the beachfront all the way to the Ferry Wharf.
Have you visited The Bible Garden in Mitchell Road with its wonderful views and array of plants or experienced the peace of Mackay Reserve?
Have you caught the ferry “Myra” and had a picnic at The Basin?
Have you tried the two new cafes in Whale Beach – “Sardean” (at the former Whale Beach Deli site) or “Frank’s Bar(BQ)” on the deck at the Whale Beach Surf Club?
Perhaps you will have time to read some of our latest Newsletters and submissions? These can be found on the PBWBA website.
Maybe you will have time to use the Library? Nestled in the heart of Avalon Village, AVALON COMMUNITY LIBRARY has been providing library services to the community for over 35 years.
The library houses a large collection which is shared with the six Northern Beaches Council library branches, allowing the community to borrow and return to any of the main branches as well as Avalon. Your Avalon Library membership also includes access to the eLibrary.
There is ample seating for study and reading as well as access to public computers and Wi-Fi.
Holiday opening hours
Closed 23 – 27 December Open 28 – 30 December Closed 31 December – 6 January
Normal operating hours will resume Saturday 7 January 2023 .
Please use this service centre or it may close!
Open Monday to Friday between 9am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm (excluding public holidays)
59A Old Barrenjoey Rd Avalon Beach, street level, in the Community Centre, opp Woolworths carpark.
Phone – 1300 434 434 24hrs / 7 days a week, including public holidays.
Mon Feb 27th 2023 10.30am (venue to be confirmed)
NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING Monday February 13th 2023 The Pacific Club 7pm
AGM Tuesday May 9th at Club Palm Beach
On behalf of the Committee I would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy, peaceful, enjoyable 2023.
Prof Richard West AM
0407 942 941

Corymbia Ficifolia ‘Baby Orange’

Crimson Rosella