Surf boats at the Australian Surf Rowers League “sweeps weekend” at Palm Beach in August.

It certainly feels as if Spring has arrived. What happened to Winter? This week has seen very warm temperatures, sunshine and blue skies and everyone out and about walking, swimming, surfing, relaxing and enjoying a coffee at one of the terrific local cafes/kiosks.

Have you noticed the new plaque which has been installed beside the Midget Farrelly rock artwork on Ocean Road? Have you walked up to the Lighthouse to watch for the whales returning south and noticed that work has commenced on the installation of the public toilets at the Lighthouse? Did you watch all the surfboats practising their skills?


Coffee Meetings
Would you like to know more about cyber crime and scams?

Council Elections
Meet the Candidates  When? Where?

Barrenjoey Headland & Governor Phillip Park
New facilities
Plan of ManagementWeed control

Planning & development
1112-1116 Barrenjoey Rd (the former General Store site)
1102 Barrenjoey Rd (the former fish & chip shop site)
Unauthorised building works

Environment – Natural & Built
Poisoned trees
Avalon Streets as Shared Spaces
Stormwater outlets Whale Beach

Architecture, History and Heritage
Avalon Beach Historical Society

Roads, Traffic, Footpaths & Parking
Boat & trailer parking
Report a pothole
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
The Catch 22 of Public Pathways

Have you attended Northern Beaches Hospital?  How was your experience?

Upcoming Events
Indigenous Astronomy
Readers’ Festival
Coffee Meeting
Christmas Party

Midget Farrelly plaque

The staircase inside the Lighthouse (courtesy PBWBA member)


Our informal coffee meetings are held on the last Monday of the month at 10.30am at the Pacific Club. They are well attended, informative, interactive and a great opportunity to discuss all sorts of issues, news and events affecting Palm Beach & Whale Beach and the Northern Beaches in general.

At the August meeting Graham Bargwanna, the Head of Business and stakeholder developments at The Burdekin Association spoke to us about the Association, which is located in Brookvale, and the Avalon Youth Hub which will soon be known as The Beaches Youth Hub.

It is always distressing to hear that the need for support for youth in crisis on the Northern Beaches keeps growing but it’s heartening to know that the expansion of the Avalon Youth Hub into the former Council offices in the Avalon Recreation Centre will allow for an expanded operation in a dedicated space.

The purpose of the Burdekin Association is to inspire hope. Put simply, it exists to inspire young people to believe their lives can be enriched by experience and empowered by hope. The Burdekin Assoc believes every young person has the right to a life that offers opportunities to fulfil their potential. This is done through referrals. assisting families, provision of youth housing, out of home care and aftercare.

Further information can be found at

Link to Burdekin eNewsletter here: Burdekin Assoc eNewsletter

The Avalon Youth Hub offers free counselling, case management, mentoring, advice, referrals, general support, a positive environment and a safe space.

Further information can be found here: Avalon Youth Hub

For the next Coffee Meeting on Monday September 30th, 10.30am at The Pacific Club, we have invited the Crime Prevention Unit attached to Northern Beaches Police to attend to do a presentation on Cyber Safety and Scams. We hope to see you there!



Thursday 5th September 24 at 7pm.

Come and hear from the candidates who are standing for election to Northern Beaches Council (Pittwater Ward).

The event will be held in the Main Hall Newport Community Centre, The Boulevard, Newport on Thursday 5th September 2024 at 7pm

Pittwater Community Alliance has invited candidates for the Local Government (Council) election to make brief presentations on their policies and to answer questions from the floor.

The public information session will give candidates an opportunity to inform electors about their policies and give electors a chance to hear from candidates before polling day on Saturday 14th September, 2024.

Pittwater Community Alliance (PCA) is a group of 13 major resident & community associations in Pittwater. PCA is independent and has no political allegiance or bias.

The closest local polling place is at PALM BEACH KINDERGARTEN on Barrenjoey Rd.


The National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) has developed plans to provide permanent toilets and a water refill station in the Barrenjoey Lighthouse precinct. Designed by Aileen Sage Architects, these new amenities have considered heritage constraints, visual impacts, environmental impact, visitor and access requirements, construction constraints and services provision.

Construction commenced on 8 July 2024 and is expected to be completed in November 2024 (pending weather or other adverse conditions).

Further details here: Barrenjoey Headland amenities

Artist’s sketch of new amenities proposed for Barrenjoey Credit: Aileen Sage Architects

Maintenance and upgrades to the access trail will also be carried out as part of these works to improve public access and safety and will include Indigenous interpretation elements along the access track.


Council received 155 submissions for the “Gathering of Ideas” for the new Plan of Management of GPP and these are now being reviewed by Council staff. Public exhibition of the draft PoM is expected in the first quarter of 2025.

Council has attended to the drainage issues in the playground area and also repaired potholes. A grant of $122 000 for weed management has been received from the NSW Govt as part of the Crown Reserves Improvement Plan.



1102 Barrenjoey Rd Palm Beach – the former fish & chip shop site

L & E Court hearing 23 (on-site) & 24 October 2024

Click here for details: DA 2022/0469

The on-site Section 34 Conciliation Conference held in March 2024 was terminated by Commissioner Dickson as no resolution could be reached on issues and contentions raised by Council and its experts and an appeal has been listed for hearing in the L & E Court on 23-24 October 2024.

This hearing will commence on-site on 23 October 2024 at 9:30am to enable the Commissioner (who may be a new Commissioner) to view the site and surrounds and to hear from any person who wishes to address the Court. The hearing will then proceed to a Court hearing.

The applicant submitted amended plans for consideration by the Council and the Community on 18th July. These can be viewed by clicking here: DA 2022/0469

You can view the objections lodged by PBWBA, neighbours, consultants and others. Submissions can still be lodged until the hearing date.

If you wish to address the Court on the first day of the hearing (23 October on-site) would you please advise Council’s lawyers. Chris Gough|Storey & Gough Lawyers

T +61 2 9689 0700 | M0B 0419 400 999 E:

All letters received in response to the amended plans will be provided to the Court prior to the hearing together with any further comments that are received prior to the hearing.

We strongly encourage the Community to attend the Conciliation Conference on site on 23 October (as they did for 1112-1116 Barrenjoey Road). We need to indicate again to the Court that there is major community concern with this development application.

1112-1116 Barrenjoey Rd Palm Beach – the former Palm Beach General Store site
Click here for details: DA2023/1289

A conciliation conference took place on-site in respect of the proceedings on 24 July 2024 before a Commissioner of the Land and Environment Court. Following extensive negotiations, the parties (the Developer and Northern Beaches Council) failed to reach agreement. The conciliation conference was subsequently terminated.

The matter has now been listed for hearing before a Commissioner of the Land and Environment Court on19, 20 and 21 February 2025.

The hearing will commence at 9:30am on site at 1112-1116 Barrenjoey Road, Palm Beach on 19 February 2025. The hearing of the proceedings will be open to the public.

In accordance with the Court’s “Site Inspection Policy” up to six objectors/supporters will be allowed to give oral evidence of their concerns about the development.

After the Commissioner has undertaken an inspection of the site and heard oral evidence from resident objectors/supporters, the remainder of the proceedings will be heard at the Land and Environment Court at 225 Macquarie Street, Sydney.
Objectors/supporters who give evidence at the site will not be required to attend the remainder of the hearing but are welcome to do so if they wish.

If you remain opposed to or in support of the proposed development and would like to tell the Court about your concerns at the hearing, please contact Chris Gough of Storey & Gough Lawyers no later than close of business on 19 January 2025.


In an August media release Northern Beaches Council stated that it welcomes the recent decision by the Local Court regarding unauthorised development works on a local property in Palm Beach which resulted in the owner being given a $100,000 penalty plus court costs.

Details here: Council media release – $100 000 fine for unauthorised development.

The Court’s ruling underscores the importance of compliance with development regulations and the significant consequences of failing to adhere to legal requirements.



Council has advised that several watergums have been planted to replace the casuarina trees which were poisoned last year. Tristaniopsis laurina, the watergum, is a native large shrub to small tree, from 5 to 15 metres tall. It bears profuse yellow flowers in summer. It is attractive and compact and is a low maintenance plant. The water gum does well in most soils. It likes moderate levels of watering and likes a sunny position.

We wish these trees a long and healthy life!


Watergum flowers


Following a 12-month trial the project is set to become permanent.

At a recent meeting Council announced that it is planning to make the Avalon Streets as Shared Spaces permanent following support from the Community during the 12-month trial, and will seek funding to design upgrades and improvements.

The Streets as Shared Spaces was part of the Avalon Place Plan adopted by Council in 2022.

The temporary trial of a one-way shared zone on Old Barrenjoey Road north, between Avalon Parade and the Woolworths carpark was implemented to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety. There was widening of paths, the installation of temporary infrastructure including seating and planters to improve the streetscape of the area and changes to the bus stops. This was funded by the NSW Government.

Council has agreed for the project to become permanent with the works already installed to be maintained and further design works planned in the future to formalise and upgrade the amenity of the precinct, in keeping with the character of Avalon Beach.

However, at present, there are insufficient funds in Council’s Long Term Financial Plan to deliver the entirety of the Avalon Place Plan and so it is proposed to seek grant funding to deliver future works.

Further works requested by the Community include vegetated traffic calming, wider footpath garden areas and umbrellas will be subject to design, community consultation and funding being available.



The stormwater drains which empty onto the beach at Whale Beach will be improved this financial year. The ‘rock bags’ in the centre drain will be formalised and the pipe enlarged to cope with greater stormwater runoff. The drain at the southern end near the amenities block will be investigated and hopefully improvements made at the same time as the main drain.

Stormwater drain – middle of beach

Stormwater drain – southern end



Question: What do the Pittwater Swamp, ‘The Dam Busters’, Toby Tosspot, Chinaman’s Beach and Jorn Utzon all have in common?

Answer: These were among the topics covered at the inaugural Palm Beach Architecture, History And Heritage Walk that took place in July.

On Monday 15th July 2024, Robert Mackinnon, PBWBA Secretary, local historian and architecture enthusiast, led the inaugural AHAH walk. This was an invitation only event, conducted as a pilot for future walks, aimed at people who’d like to know more about our area. Run over mostly flat terrain, the walk took around three hours and covered a multitude of topics. And according to those who attended, it was a great success.

AHAH is intentionally a tongue-in-cheek term in that participants are guaranteed at least one ahah moment – and hopefully many more – when they see Palm Beach through fresh eyes. It can also be a two-way process in that the many families who have long-established connections with the area may wish to come forth with facts about the early days of Palm Beach, Whale Beach and environs, including old photographs, copies of which will be gratefully received. Indeed, this happened on the day when Bill Goddard, whose family built the now demolished Goddard’s Wharf, and PBWBA committee member Gordon Lang, made valuable contributions.

Goldthorpe & Smith building’ | Photo courtesy Avalon Beach Historic Society

This building, now replaced by three apartments designed by Walter Barda, ran alongside Snapperman Lane at the southern end of Iluka Road. It housed Goldthorpe & Smith, a firm that provided marine services.

In 1974, the architect John Andrews, bought the business. By then he’d acquired an international reputation and used the top floor as an unconventional drafting studio whilst one of his business partners ran the marine business.

Background to the walk was the preparation Robert did on behalf of the Australian Architecture Association (AAA) in late 2022 when he was asked to put forward ideas for an architecture walk in Palm Beach. The AAA’s event was held in February 2023 but it was far less ambitious in scope than Robert intended, hence this new walk which now includes history and heritage.

During the AHAH walk, a wide range of architects and architectural styles were covered from the early 1900s up to the present day. Architects of note included Walter Barda, Andrew Benn, Rob Brown, Andrew Burges, Megan Burns, Philip Cox, Neil Durbach, Peter Muller, James Peddle, Bruce Rickard and Stan Symonds, all of whom have made significant contributions to Palm Beach’s built environment.

Historical events covered went back as far as the ice age when Pittwater was a very different body of water from the one so admired by Governor Arthur Phillip when he first visited our area in March 1788. Indeed, 10,000 years ago, with the ice age ending, rainfall became more frequent and the ‘big melt’ in other parts of the world raised sea levels. At that time, Pittwater was a swamp and wasn’t connected to the Tasman Sea as it is today, held back by a volcanic dyke that connects Barrenjoey and West Head. We also explored how Coasters Retreat got its name, how an early version of the Australian Constitution was drafted at The Basin during Easter 1891, spoke about a local firm of marine engineers that helped equip a Sydney-Hobart winner and Palm Beach’s role in the Petrov affair of 1954, an event that gained world headlines and reset Australia’s political landscape.

Plaques at Lucinda Park in Iluka Rd explaining the role of the Lucinda in the drafting of Australia’s Constitution.

Future walks will attract a charge, the money going towards the publication of a new book about the history of the northern peninsula. Robert has been engaged on this endeavour for several years and last year was joined by Dr. Anne Watson – PBWBA member and published author – who will be contributing chapters on architecture and the cultural history of the area. We are aiming to have the book published in late 2026. In the interim, we will be seeking foundational donors and running other fund-raising and public-awareness events.

AHAH Quiz answers

And how do ‘The Dam Busters’, Toby Tosspot, Chinamen’s Beach and Jorn Utzon fit into the picture?

Sorry, but you’ll have to attend a future Palm Beach AHAH Walk to find out!


The next meeting will be held on Tuesday Sept 10th in the Annexe in Dunbar Park Avalon Beach at 8pm.

Guest speaker is Ray Henman who grew up in Palm Beach and among many other things began the Palm Beach Film Club. Come along to find out more!



Boat, trailer and large vehicle parking in residential streets and industrial areas in the LGA is an issue which is constantly raised in meetings and discussions.

At a recent Council Meeting it was resolved that Council:
1. Staff provide a detailed report to a Council meeting within 4 months on measures to prevent boats, trailers and other large vehicles from parking in residential and industrial streets including various types of signage.

The report is to include:
a. a summary of the powers currently available to Council for preventing boats, trailers and other large vehicles parking for long periods of time without movement on local roads
b. the possibility of designated parking areas for boats, trailers and other large vehicles
c. an assessment of the impact of boat, trailer and other large vehicles parking on residential and industrial streets on residents and businesses, including safety, traffic flow and amenity considerations, including the impact of reduced parking for residents.

Trailers opposite Palm Beach Wine Co

2. Consider after the report to write to all State Members of Parliament on the Northern Beaches to lobby the State Government for legislative changes to allow Council to develop and enforce rules consistent with its residents’ needs.
We will keep you informed of the results of the report.


Another concern is the proliferation of potholes in roads in Palm Beach & Whale Beach – indeed in the whole LGA.

Recently a significant pothole in Whale Beach Rd between Careel Head Rd and Rayner Rd has been repaired. A section of Surf Rd leading to The Strand is showing significant cracking/spllitting of the bitumen and we have been advised a thorough investigation of the road structure needs to be undertaken prior to repair.

Potholes in Gov Phillip Park

Potholes can be reported to both Transport for NSW or to Northern Beaches Council.

The State Govt is responsible for all major thoroughfares such as Barrenjoey Rd, Ocean Rd and Beach Rd while Council is responsible for the rest.
Links: 1.



To accelerate and support the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) Council is proposing to install an additional 13 public DC EV charging stations across the Northern Beaches in partnership with JOLT Australia.

These fast-charging stations will be installed in existing public parking spaces, converting one adjacent parking space to EV charging only. NBC has shortlisted 13 sites including one in Avalon Beach and one in Newport and want to know which sites you would like prioritised – there is funding to install 11 under the current NSW Government Kerbside EV Charging grant, plus an additional two in lieu of previously approved sites that are no longer feasible.

Submissions close: Sun 8 Sep 2024

Details here:


by Emily Ashton – PBWBA Committee

It is well known to some that Whale Beach and Palm Beach are interwoven by a network of off-road footpaths. These developed organically in a time when the area was much less populated than it is now. Apparently they are called “desire lines” -facilitating the natural flow of foot traffic from A to B. Some time ago, in an act of equity these informal paths became formal, being declared “public land” by Council.

We know this is a beautiful part of the world, and the way a community shares its physical resources reflects a lot: that pathways were formalised as public for community access is something to be proud of. Shared access to the area’s most desired features is special and is not to be found everywhere.

We live in a polite society.

Most people, unless they have it on confident authority, will not walk down what looks like a convenient shortcut unless it has clear signage. People don’t want to be trespassing on others’ private property. Ironically, this politeness has meant unsigned public land becomes underutilised and unrecognised, not from lack of interest, but through neighbourly consideration to not intrude on the land of others. Ironically again, this land can then be deemed unwanted by an uninterested public and overgrown – adding to the impression it is not a legitimate, public pathway.

In the worst cases these underused spaces get subsumed into adjoining properties. increasingly taking away the opportunity to use them.

To remove ambiguity these paths need signs. When I asked our knowledgeable and helpful Council community liaison officer about signage requests from PBWBA members, he said some paths reviewed by council did not appear to have a purpose, thus it was not deemed meaningful to put up signage.

To help Council see the point in recognising the need for signage, could you please identify lesser-known public paths which need signage and the purpose they facilitate. Please email details and photos if possible to the Secretary with the subject line “pathways” to

We are pleased to note that some missing public pathway signs have now been replaced in Northview Rd and at the junction of Florida Rd and Whale Beach Rd and look forward to providing pictures in the next newsletter.
In the meantime, see below a public pathway you may have passed many times without knowledge of its existence:

Pacific Road to Palm Beach Pool

  • Start at Rock Bath Road (at Pacific Rd) which will say “No Through Road”
  • At the very end of this dead-end street there is a “Public Land” sign
  • Follow this path all the way until you get to Florida Road
  • Look to your right, and you will see clearer signage indicating the next public path which takes you down to Palm Beach pool.

Happy Walking!

Some public pathways are left “natural”, some have steps, concrete, signs and railings.



What has been your experience?

Dr Sophie Scamps, Federal member for Mackellar, has met with both the state and federal health ministers to discuss the issues raised by constituents regarding the Northern Beaches Hospital.

As a result of Dr Scamps’ advocacy, the New South Wales government has agreed to a performance audit of the hospital – the first since it opened in 2018.

The audit will assess whether the hospital provides quality care consistent with equivalent public health facilities in New South Wales.

If you would like to contribute to this audit, you can do so through the web form on the NSW Audit Office website. Please see the link. Northern Beaches Performance Audit


To ensure your contribution is effective, it is recommend you address the terms of reference in your submission.




Monday 9 September 7.30 – 9.30pm Mona Vale Memorial Hall

Learn the role of stars in Aboriginal society, hear cultural night sky stories, see where in the sky these star stories are located. Marvel at the depth of scientific knowledge within the stories.


Friday 27th to Sunday 29th September

Avalon Beach Recreation Centre Old Barrenjoey Rd Avalon Beach

The Northern Beaches Readers’ Festival Inc is an event focused on connecting readers with popular Australian fiction authors. It will feature some of Australia’s leading storytellers, some of them local, in panel discussions and more intimate ‘in conversation’ events.

Well known author and Northern Beaches resident Michael Robotham is the 2024 Festival Patron. Details and bookings:


Gov Phillip Park 9am to 3pm – Sunday 22 Sept, 27 Oct, 24 Nov, 22 Dec


The next informal COFFEE MEETING will be held on Monday Sept 30th at 10.30am upstairs in the Pacific Club. We have invited the Crime Prevention Unit attached to Northern Beaches Police to attend to do a presentation on Cyber Safety and Scams. We hope to see you there!

The next COMMITTEE MEETING will be held on Monday Sept 9th at 7pm at the Pacific Club.


The PBWBA MEMBERS CHRISTMAS COCKTAIL PARTY will be held at The Dunes on Sunday 8th 2024 6pm.
Details to come. Financial members only.

Please do not hesitate to contact PBWBA with any questions, concerns or thoughts –

Prof Richard West AM
ph 0407 942 941

Lone surfer Whale Beach – winter