View of Palm Beach & Pittwater from the Lighthouse
One of the most important documents for the Community to consider at present is the Northern Beaches Council’s CONSERVATION ZONES REVIEW and Technical Studies.
At the end of August you may have received a letter from Council and if so it would have said that Council records indicate that you may own land which falls into one of the following categories:
- Currently in a conservation zone.
- Proposed for inclusion in a conservation zone under council’s review.
- Proposed for removal from a conservation zone under council’s review.
Under the proposals of this Conservation Zone discussion paper, in Pittwater Ward, there will be a significant loss of Conservation C4 (previously know as Environmental Living or E4) properties. It is expected that 3,613 properties will move from C zones to R (Residential) zones and 1,328 properties will move from R zones to C zones. In total C zoned properties will fall from 9,732 to 7,447, a drop of 23.5%, and R-zoned properties will rise from 7,062 to 9,347, an increase of 32.4%. By contrast, the former Manly LGA area will lose 54 C-zoned properties and the former Warringah LGA will lose 1.
The significant rezoning of C4 zoned lands to Residential would trigger the application of the NSW Housing SEPP and the prospect of more intense development including the construction in this zone of seniors housing developments and multi-dwelling developments such as terrace houses and manor houses, which are 2-storey strata-titled blocks divided into 3 or 4 home units. Under the current Housing SEPP these developments are not permissible in C4 or C3 Conservation Zones.
Also “permitted with consent in R zones are B&B’s, boat sheds, centre-based child care, community facilities, dual occupancies, dwelling houses, environmental protection works, exhibition homes, group homes, health consulting rooms, home-based child care, home industries, jetties, aquaculture, places of public worship, respite day-care centres, secondary dwellings, veterinary hospitals, water recreation structures.” (from Council documents).
The purpose of Council’s Conservation Zones Review is to undertake a review and develop a consistent approach for identifying land across the Northern Beaches with important environmental values and land subject to hazards that should be protected and managed by a C2 Environmental Conservation, C3 Environmental Management or C4 Environment Living zone.
The review will inform the development of the new Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) for the entire Northern Beaches LGA.
Read the documents by clicking this link. CONSERVATION ZONES REVIEW
The Review proposes three main changes: – (a) to introduce a previously unused zone, C3 Conservation Management, for residential land with special environmental, scientific or aesthetic values which is exposed to natural hazards (currently zoned C4); (b) to convert part of the current C4 zoning to R2 Low Density Housing or to a zone only described at the moment as ”Residential” with no further information as to what this means; and (c) convert some of the existing R2 zones in Palm Beach to C3.
Click here to read the Council’s Executive Summary
The Review Documents are complex, with a number of technical studies, detailed maps and reports. On the Council webpage you will find:
- Frequently asked questions
- Webinars and details of online community meetings
- Snapshots
- Document libraries
- Quick links
- Online property search tool. Type in your address and see what is proposed for your property, your street, your suburb. CLICK TO SEARCH YOUR ADDRESS HERE
A Council Webinar focussing on Pittwater Ward will be repeated on
Thursday 13 Oct 2022 06:00 pm 07:00 pm (free). Book Now
We encourage you to read the excellent, detailed article published in Pittwater Online News on 2nd Oct (Issue 552).
Click this link. Pittwater OnLine News Conservation Zones
ATTEND A FORUM, organised and supported by a number of Pittwater residents and community groups including Clareville and Bilgola Plateau Residents Association (CABPRA), Mona Vale Residents Association, PBWBA and Pittwater Natural Heritage Association to be held on Sunday, 16 October at 4 pm at the Mona Vale Community Hall. We will advise further details prior to the forum.
Download the Flyer
For more information please email: cabpra@gmail.com
Such a huge potential loss of conservation zones represents a most serious incursion into the existing Pittwater LEP/DCP rules. These guidelines have contributed to the protection of Pittwater’s character, landscape, and scenic quality to date.
PBWBA’s objective (from our Constitution) is “to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of the area and to protect the local amenity by promoting proper planning of all developments.”
We believe that the best method of protecting this is to ensure that the whole of Palm Beach and Whale Beach is included in a conservation zone, either C3 or C4 with also the preservation of the current B1 and B2 zones. No other residential zoning would be appropriate and none should be included.
We have previously been assured by the Mayor and Council that the Palm Beach/Whale Beach area is not suitable for further development because of its lack of infrastructure and transport, as well as suitable land. Why is that not repeated in the zoning document instead of rezoning large parts of it for R2 medium density housing? This proposal appears to have a greater impact on Palm Beach/Whale Beach than anywhere else in the LGA.
We encourage all PBWBA members (and Palm Beach and Whale Beach residents, property owners and interested parties) who are not happy with the change in zoning of their property, particularly those whose zoning is proposed to change from Conservation zoning to Residential zoning, to seek a review of the zoning from the Council.
The contact at the Council is: Suzy.Lawrence@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
Again we remind you that a submission from PBWBA is only counted as ONE voice so we strongly encourage you, your neighbours and friends to “Have Your Say”.
Submissions close on 30th October. HAVE YOUR SAY

Courtey Susi Hanke
A new draft plan of management (PoM) for Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park (which includes Barrenjoey Headland), Lion Island Nature Reserve, Long Island Nature Reserve and Spectacle Island Nature Reserve is open for public comment until 22 November 2022.
This provides an opportunity for everyone who values and uses these parks to help shape the way they are managed into the future.
Click here for draft PoM: Barrenjoey Headland (part of Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park).
This draft plan of management directs the management of Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park and Lion Island, Long Island and Spectacle Island nature reserves (the parks).
It describes the desired outcomes for the parks’ values and actions that the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) proposes to undertake to achieve these outcomes. The park use regulations tables set out the recreational and commercial activities that are permitted in Ku-ring-gai
Chase National Park and any requirements to undertake these activities, including whether consent must be sought from NPWS to undertake them.
Established in 1894, Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park is the second oldest national park in New South Wales. The national park and nature reserves retain important sites and historical associations with expanding colonial settlement, coastal navigation, transport routes and the social history of the Broken Bay, Pittwater and lower Hawkesbury River area. The Barrenjoey Lighthouse complex and the site of the Customs House at Barrenjoey Head are listed on the State Heritage Register and managed under a conservation management plan prepared under the Heritage Act 1977.
Besides the heritage buildings, visitor facilities at Barrenjoey Headland are limited to walking tracks. NPWS is planning to build new toilet facilities on the headland to cater for the growing number of visitors consistent with a precinct plan. NPWS will also investigate opportunities to provide a walking track and viewing area on the eastern side of the headland to allow safe viewing of the seal colony.
However we note with concern that the table below states the potential new use for short-stay visitor accommodation in the Assistant Lighthouse Keeper’s Cottage and The Boatman’s Cottage.
After further review of the Documents we will prepare a submission. We do not support short term accommodation on Barrenjoey Headland. This was made abundantly clear in 2013 when PBWBA, supported by Pittwater Council, rallied the local community to oppose a plan to commercialise Barrenjoey Headland and its cottages to ensure that the State Government understood the Community’s strong opposition to this plan.
Over 9000 signatures from residents and from visitors from all over the world were added to a petition opposing the move.
Another excellent article with a great deal of background information can be found at Pittwater Online News Barrenjoey Lighthouse
NPWS want to know what you think about this draft plan. To give feedback, please send a written submission via: the online survey or email to npws.parkplanning@environment.nsw.gov.au
post to Manager, Planning and Assessment, Locked Bag 5022, Parramatta NSW 2124.
Written submissions must be received by 22 November 2022
After being refused by Northern Beaches Council this shop top housing development proposal will be heard in the Land & Environment Court on October 24th, 25th & 26th.
Amended plans submitted by the Applicant to the L&E Court can be viewed in the documents section of DA 2021/2362 page.
PBWBA does not support the proposed DA and has lodged a submission to the L& E Court.
Amended plans were submitted to Council on 26th Sept for the shop top housing development.
We are seeking advice on the amended plans. Submissions close Friday 14th October.
(Adjacent to The Bible Garden). PEX2022/0003
This is a Public Exhibition Document for a Planning Proposal to amend Pittwater Local Environmental Plan 2014 by adding “dwelling houses” as an additional permissible use on that portion of the subject land zoned RE1. We are seeking advice on the proposal.
Submissions close Thursday 13th October.
Once a popular wedding spot and a wonderful area for families with small children to enjoy the gentle waves, Snapperman Beach Reserve is now in a severe state of disrepair and needs urgent attention from Council and/or the NSW Govt.
- The southern reserve wall is collapsing and has been shored up with “temporary” deliveries of sandbags for over a year. Most are now buried in the beach
- Possible broken asbestos behind a wall
- The grass laid at the Northern end of the reserve is of poor quality. full of weeds and clover unlike the grass at the southern end.
- The Pandanus tree suffered badly in the storms and should be inspected by a qualified arborist and a plan developed for its continued protection as it is the largest specimen this far South from its natural habitat.
- The Laneway was last covered in poor quality, rough roadbase, which many, particularly children, complain is unsuitable for bare feet.
- A little further south of the reserve there are stone blocks dumped on the beach (below high water mark), white bags of rubble (now empty), rubber tyres and material covering what appears to be asbestos.
The three Pittwater Ward Councillors and Council Staff have been alerted to these issues and we are awaiting a response.
Residents are becoming very frustrated with the problems of the continual erosion of the western end of Sand Point Beach. The last batch of East Coast lows have effectively left the area to the west of the Boat ramp in a perilous position and the effect is now that at high tide there is virtually no area to sit on the beach – a beach that in coming months would normally be packed with young families.
Sand Point erosion
The boat ramp. | The Norfolk Island pine is almost on an island.
Council’s plans and timeline for repair are vague and further delays will be destructive to what’s left of the beach.
We will continue to advocate strongly for appropriate, cost effective, short and long term repairs to these popular Pittwater beach areas.
WHALE BEACH – maintenance updates
The stormwater pipe at Whale Beach is breaking apart. Council has made the area safe with fencing etc. The NBC Stormwater Team are organising temporary stabilisation works to allow for permanent design/construction to occur which could take over a year.
Approximately 2 years ago PBWBA, on behalf of local beach goers) requested a beach shower be installed at the northern end of Whale Beach. Council advised that this is a Sydney Water matter but they will follow up with Sydney Water – yet again!
The Avalon Centenary Committee is hosting a free event with presentations on local wildlife at Avalon Beach RSL at 11am Sunday 16th October.
Sydney naturalist John Dengate will speak about the wildlife which inhabits the upper Peninsula’s backyards, reserves and parks. Wildlife photographer Andrew Gregory will show some of his stunning photographs and a representative from WIRES will discuss what to do if you find an injured animal.
National Bird Week 17th to 23rd October
The Aussie Bird Count is one of Australia’s biggest citizen science events!
Celebrate National Bird Week by taking part in the Aussie Bird Count — you will be joining thousands of people from across the country who will be heading out into their backyards, local parks or favourite outdoor spaces to take part.
To get involved all you need is 20 minutes, your favourite outdoor space (this can be your yard, local park, beach, or anywhere you can see birds), and some keen eyesight. It doesn’t matter if you’re a novice or an expert. Simply register, record the birds you know and look up those you don’t on the ‘Aussie Bird Count’ app or Birdlife Australia website. You’ll instantly see live statistics and information on how many people are taking part near you and the number of birds and species counted in your neighbourhood and the whole of Australia!
The local service covers the area from Manly Vale to Palm Beach. The warehouse is in Bassett Street Mona Vale. You don’t have to sign up to permanent shifts, even once a month would be great!
For more information phone Milly on 9457 3900 or email NBeachesVolunteer@kmow.org.au.
Robertson Rd Newport SAT 15TH OCT 7am to 7pm. Family friendly entertainment & live music.
SAT NOV 5th & SUN NOV 6th 10am – 5pm. Further details to come.
“Arnies Recon” is a self-funded social enterprise which has reimagined the approach to dealing with electronic waste. Their services are free to households, business and government.
They have developed the world’s most sophisticated model for diverting electronics and appliances from the waste stream. “Arnies Recon” is coming to our local area on 13th October 7:00am – 9:00am at Hitchcock Park, Barrenjoey Road Avalon Beach.
Arnies want to make it easy for you to drop off your small electronics to be recycled. Simply click the book now button on the website ARNIES RECON and let them know which date you’re booking for, that way they know what size van to send.
Arnies recycle: cameras, computers, laptops, mobile phones, computer games and consoles, iPads, tablets, servers, server racks, stereos, speakers, DVD players, iPods, Foxtel boxes, phones, heaters, fans, amplifiers, monitors, televisions, calculators, transistor and clock radios, printers, medical equipment, tools, washers, dryers, air conditioners, portable air conditioners, microwaves, drones, dishwashers, cables, remotes, chargers, old or vintage collectables, plugs, solar panels, sewing machines, overlockers, steam mops, dehumidifiers.

For something a little different we invited a guest speaker from Avalon Computer Pals (AvPals) to the September coffee meeting held at Moby Dicks.
Sue Martin (ex teacher at Barrenjoey High) gave a very interesting and thought provoking presentation on Wills, powers of attorney, executors and “our digital legacy”, keeping our online affairs up to date and the unintended consequences of not doing so. Most of the 45 attendees now have a “to do” list to work through!! AvPals is a not for profit organisation run by volunteers. They run some terrific courses and can also provide one to one personal tuition.
Click here for further information. AvPals
Our thanks to The Boathouse Group for their generous hospitality.
THURSDAY OCTOBER 27th 10.30am at The Pacific Club.
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25TH 10.30am at The Pacific Club.
MONDAY OCTOBER 10th 7pm at The Pacific Club
SUNDAY DECEMBER 11th 6.30pm at Moby Dicks.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your comments, concerns or questions.
Prof Richard West AM
0407 942 941

School holiday fun – Palm Beach