Winter sunset Palm Beach. Looking north to the Lighthouse and the Central Coast.
PBWBA President Prof Richard West together with a committee member and a resident representative met with Dr Sophie Scamps, Member for Mackellar on 20 July.
This was our introductory meeting and an opportunity to outline a number of topical matters of importance for our Association members. These included highlighting current Northern Beaches Council and State planning matters, including ongoing development concerns in Pittwater, sensitive environmental protection with the upcoming review of LEP/DCP in the Northern Beaches, roadworks (including the Wakehurst Parkway funding requirement), local amenity, pedestrian access and community consultation effectiveness. Also raised was the current federal legislation situation allowing significant telecommunications infrastructure without Northern Beaches Council or local resident approval, highlighted with the current Mobile Phone Base Station Water Tower works at Boanbong Road, Palm Beach and other recent examples.
The PBWBA looks forward to engaging regularly with Dr Sophie Scamps as our Federal Member on these and other ongoing matters. Dr Scamps has indicated she would be happy to attend a coffee meeting later in the year.
Avalon Beach Place Plan (Place Plan) was adopted, subject to amendments, by Council at its meeting of 26 July 2022.
The Place Plan identifies a range of public domain improvements and programs that will contribute to a shared place vision for Avalon Beach. After the public exhibition, changes were made to the Place Plan to reflect feedback provided.
At its meeting, Council resolved that further community consultation is to be undertaken regarding Action 52 (Beach Gateway terracing behind the bus stop beach side opposite the service station) of the adopted Place Plan. Action 52 is considered a long-term (5-10 year) activity. Consultation will be undertaken closer to the time of planning for the design and implementation of this action.
Council also resolved that further consultation be undertaken in relation to cycleways within Avalon Beach village. The cycleway concept and design will be re-investigated with community consultation to be undertaken and reported back to Council within 12 months.
A copy of the adopted Place Plan is provided in the link. adopted plan here
Given that there has been more than 4 years of comprehensive community consultation already on the Place Plan it was surprising that Pittwater Ward Councillors Gencher and Amon successfully moved an amendment that there should be further community consultation on cycleways within 12 months. Both Catherine Kerr who addressed Council on behalf of CABPRA, APA and PBWBA and Pittwater Ward Cr Miranda Korzy mentioned that of the 736 submissions on the Plan, 69% were against the cycleways and only 29% in favour (presumably 10% were undecided). In both their views, the Community has spoken clearly and there should be no cycleways in the village. Our PBWBA submission opposed a cycleway dissecting the village and increasing the danger to pedestrians, agreeing with the overwhelming community view, but did not object to cyclists using the village as they currently do or bypassing the village by using Barrenjoey Road.
Cr Korzy moved an amendment to delete the proposal for sandstone terracing of the hill beside the bus stop opposite the service station, accurately representing the community opposition. The amendment was lost and so we still will have the terracing.
We continue to monitor, discuss and engage with Council and other Pittwater residents associations regarding the development of the new Local Environment Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP). These incredibly important plans and controls are being reviewed and new ones prepared by NBC.
Overdevelopment is a major issue concerning residents. It is obvious that the current controls must be strengthened and enforced. We will advise you when the draft LEPs and DCPs are available for viewing and community consultation.
With so much focus on development in Palm Beach & Whale Beach It was interesting to read a recent article about Palm Beach in “Traveller” by Brian Johnston. Traveller article Palm Beach
Of particular note is the final paragraph –
“The good thing is that despite the suburb’s wealth and television fame, Palm Beach has been little developed and remains a modest beachside suburb almost from another time. It’s far enough from the centre of Sydney to resist the crowds except on summer weekends. Scrabble in rock pools, throw chips to the seagulls, and walk along the lovely shoreline. Proof that sometimes, life is better than fiction.”
At a recent meeting with NBC CEO Ray Brownlee and Head of Planning Louise Kerr we sought clarification of and discussed The NSW Department of Planning & Environment’s proposals to combine several Business and Industrial zones into new Employment Zones (E Zones) in order, it says, to simplify the process and encourage employment within local areas. It is also proposed to widen the categories of businesses which can operate in the employment zones.
The NSW Productivity Commission recommended rationalising employment zones to increase flexibility within LEP zones with more permitted land uses.
In Palm Beach and Whale Beach there are four business B1 and B2 zones embedded in residential zones (mostly C4 environmental living) which provide a limited range of small-scale retail, business and community uses that serve the needs of people who live or work in the surrounding neighbourhood. These are 1) the strip of shops around Prontos cafe and the RSL, 2) the shops around Barrenjoey House, 3) the shops in Ocean Rd at the beachfront 4) the former Whale Beach deli site. We are very concerned that combining the B1 and B2 zones into an E1 zone will have significant impacts in areas where many uses will not be compatible with the character, scale and amenity of the locality. The list of proposed E1 mandated uses includes many which are not currently permitted in any B1 zone in the Northern Beaches eg amusement centres; commercial premises; entertainment facilities; function centres; information and education facilities; local distribution premises; recreational facilities (indoor); tourist and visitor accommodation; vehicle body repair workshops; and vehicle repair stations.
We have made a submission to The NSW Dept of Planning expressing our concerns and have requested a meeting with Minister Rob Stokes to discuss this issue further.
Council road engineers have identified a damaged stormwater pipe and retaining wall at 38 Florida Rd. Geotechnical engineering investigations are ongoing and risk mitigation measures have been put in place.
A portable traffic light system has been installed and the speed limit reduced to 20km/hr.
Please be patient, drive carefully and don’t park between the sets of lights. Council plans to resolve the issues as soon as practical.
Approximately 200 people attended a community forum, “A Vision for Pittwater”, supported by Pittwater Ward Greens Councillor Miranda Korzy and organised by Pittwater Environmental Heritage group member and Palm Beach resident Anna Maria Monticelli held on 24th July at Mona Vale Memorial Hall.
The meeting heard from several architectural experts on the impact of poor planning decisions, including landscape heritage architect Professor Craig Burton, architect Professor Richard Leplastrier AO, architects Sasha Lesiuk and Nic Lesiuk and former Pittwater Council General Manager Angus Gordon OAM, who is also a coastal management and environment engineer.
For a detailed summary please click on the links below –
Push for Pittwater – Northern Beaches Advocate
Forum Summary – Pittwater Online News
(Includes a YouTube video of the forum).
A well attended Land & Environment Court Conciliation conference between the Developers and The Northern Beaches Council was held on site on Thursday 23 June at 9.30am. Speakers from PBWBA and the Community addressed the conference.
The DA was then referred to the Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel (NBLPP) where it was refused on 20th July
The Modification has been referred to the NBLPP to be heard 3rd August.
The Council assessment report concludes with a recommendation that the Northern Beaches Local Planning Pannel (NBLPP) should grant approval to the application, subject to the standard and special conditions attached to the report. These conditions include accoustic requirements, clear definitions of what constitutes retail, neighbourhood shop & restaurant/cafe, strict hours of operation for indoor and outdoor sections and for deliveries and garbage collection. The restaurant area cannot be used as a function centre.
A decision was not released in time for this Newsletter’s publication but can be viewed on the Council website. NBLPP Agenda, Minutes & Webcast for 3 August 2022.
Although there is general agreement that the frequent flooding of Wakehurst Parkway cannot be allowed to continue there has been much discussion on how this should be done. The road is the responsibility of the State Government who have funded Northern Beaches Council to investigate solutions and work would be managed by the Council although funded by the State and Federal Governments.
Community feedback has shown that there is considerable resistance to losing a large number of trees but it is inevitable that there would be considerable environmental impacts from major work to raise the road and reduce the incidence of flooding. Council is currently working on plans to upgrade sections of the road most impacted while minimising destruction of the surrounding area. Funding has been secured for $150 m. with $75m. being provided by the Federal Government and matched by the NSW State Government. It seems likely that this will enable new culverts at the main flood points and new turning lanes at the Sports Centre and Oxford Falls Road. The verges are the responsibility of Council so work in clearing them and redesigning the verges will be carried out by the Council.
The NSW Budget for 2022/2023 contains a total of $2.9 bn. for increased mental health services particularly targeting support for the Towards Zero Suicides initiative ($143m) and providing crisis care and aftercare support following a suicidal crisis ($60m). In addition Headspace Centres for young people will receive $46m and there is a boost for Lifeline counselling services ($28m) as well as $26m to establish adult Head to Health hubs.
After closing for renovations Woolworths Avalon has reopened as a “Metro” store. The focus is on sustainability and ensuring that the store would reflect the needs of residents.
- Woolworth’s carpark renewal works will commence in late July. Works include:
- Construction of concrete kerbs throughout the carpark.
- Asphalt re-sheeting throughout the carpark.
- New line marking.
- New stormwater drainage outfalls.
- New turf along the embankment with Careel Creek. •
- No existing trees will be impacted by the works.
Access to the existing carpark will be maintained throughout the works, however up to half of the carpark will be closed to safely complete the construction works. Weather permitting, the works are planned for completion in September 2022. Working hours will be 7 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday and 8 am to 1 pm on Saturday.
Locals were quick to contact NPWS, Living Ocean, Council and ORCCA to protect an unwell, young male seal who decided Kiddies Corner would be a great place to rest.
The seal rested on the shore on and off for several days then returned to the ocean. We wish him well!
Thank you to all the volunteers who kept watch.
ORRCA (Organisation for the Rescue and Research of Cetaceans in Australia) is a non-profit, volunteer wildlife rehabilitation group in NSW licensed to be involved with marine mammal rescue, rehabilitation and release. ORCCA operates 24/7, 365 days a year. The public can report any injured, entangled, or stranded whales, dolphins, seals or dugongs to their rescue helpline ph 02 9415 3333
Allen Jack + Cottier were the architects who designed the recently completed alterations, additions and refurbishments to Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club. Congratulations on being nominated for the 2022 NSW Architecture Awards (Heritage).
It’s so important to acknowledge and respect heritage – be it an object, a dwelling, a place or a tree. We continue to advocate for the preservation of heritage items in Palm & Whale Beach both indigenous and non-indigenous.
A big thank you to the volunteers from the Northern Beaches Clean Up Crew who had a clean up of Whale Beach and the grass reserve on Sunday 31st July. Amongst all the rubbish, plastic and styrofoam, three “No Parking” signs with poles were found!
The Northern Beaches clean Up Crew is a non profit, volunteer group based on the Northern Beaches. They are always looking for volunteers and are a family friendly group. Everyone is welcome to join them.
Follow them on Facebook for more information.
CREATIVE OPEN Sat 13th & Sun 14th August and Sat 20th & Sun 21st August
Uncover more than 60 creative experiences and spaces on the Northern Beaches at Creative Open 2022.
Featuring exhibitions, performance and events, open studios, walks and talks, the Maker’s Takeover and public art.
Go behind the scenes, meet local creators, and experience unique performances and events
Arts & Culture ph: 1300 434 434
Last year Council asked the Community to tell them about the places we love and what needs to be improved. Your feedback helped shape the draft Let’s Play! Northern Beaches Open Space and Outdoor Recreation Strategy and Action Plan (all 143 pages!)
The draft strategy sets out key directions, priorities and actions outlining how Council will manage our open spaces and outdoor recreational facilities over the next 15 years.
There is a strong focus on accessibility and inclusion, with new and upgraded playgrounds, play spaces for all ages (including new basketball courts), a range of new and improved off road cycling facilities, and more.
Council has also prioritised outdoor fitness, maintenance, connectivity, sustainability, volunteering and shared access.
There are a number of actions in Palm Beach that are mentioned including: Iluka Park playspace improvements will be made in 22/23FY, Urban Night Sky Place in Governor Philip Park, renewal of PB rock pool, new Masterplan for Gov Phillip Park as well as providing new and enhanced outdoor recreation facilities in GPP.

Iluka Park play space. Situated behind PB Kindy between Iluka Rd and Barrenjoey Rd
In our submission, amongst other things, we will point out that a new Plan of Management for Governor Phillip Park is long overdue and needs urgent action and that one of the aims of the new strategy is improved maintenance which is also well overdue in this important Park.
The construction of a footpath along Barrenjoey Road is a high priority for our members to enable safe, active travel with connection to Pittwater, the beach, bus stops and shops. It obviously requires the approval of the State Government (and Federal) but we also rely on the Council to push for it and co-ordinate it. We strongly support the updating of “The Most Scenic Streets Register” and expanding it as needed.
Have Your Say Open Space & Outdoor Recreation Strategy
Submissions close Sun 14 August.
Fri 2nd & Sat 3rd September, 9am – 5pm
Avalon Uniting Church 44 Bellevue Ave Avalon Beach.
$5 entry Proceeds to Mito Foundations. enquiries ph 0401 335 737
Avalon Bowlo Sunday Sept 11th 11am to 5pm
A small community market showcasing vendors who handcraft items andsupporting Northern Beaches startups and small businesses.
German International School 33 Myoora Rd Terrey Hills
Friday Aug 19th 5pm – 9pm and Saturday 20th Aug 4pm – 9pm
Thursday AUGUST 25th 10.30am at The Pacific Club (upstairs)
Wednesday 28th SEPTEMBER 10.30am Moby Dicks Whale Beach Rd Whale Beach
For something a little different we have invited a guest speaker from Avalon Computer Pals (AvPals).
Sue Martin (ex teacher at Barrenjoey High) will give a presentation on “our digital legacy” and keeping our online affairs up to date and the unintended consequences of not doing so. She talks about what happens to all your online material such as banking, online bills, photos etc if you or a loved one becomes incapacitated or worse(!!) and how people are sometimes left with major issues unable to access bank accounts, etc.
Sue’s presentation is for about half an hour amd then we will continue with our regular discussions.
These informal Coffee Meetings are a great way to discuss your issues and concerns and hear the latest news from Council, State and Federal Govt and other entities which concern Palm Beach and Whale Beach and the wider Northern Beaches LGA.
They are also a wonderful opportunity to meet and catch up with other residents, neighbours, friends and members of our Community.
The next Meeting will be held on Monday 8th August 7:00pm via Zoom.
The committee generally meets on the second Monday of each month.
Future committee meetings will be on
September 12th, October 10th, November 14th, December 12th
All members are welcome to attend.
SUNDAY DECEMBER 11th 6.30PM Moby Dicks, Whale Beach.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your comments, concerns or questions.

Admiring the view and enjoying the sunshine!
Prof Richard West AM
0407 942 941 or click to PBWBA contact