Newsletter – May 2024

AGM at Club Palm Beach


Planning & development
1112-1116 Barrenjoey Rd (the former General Store site)
1102 Barrenjoey Rd (the former fish & chip shop site)
15 Ocean Rd
Notifications of DAs
Draft LEP

Roads, Traffic & Infrastructure
Surf Road
Excessive Road Noise

Landslip Whale Beach Rd
Palm Beach Pool
Stormwater outlet Whale Beach

Governor Phillip Park
Plan of Management
Weed control

Midget Farrelly Public Art Recognition
Budget 24/25 & Delivery Program 24/28
Have Your Say – * Dunbar Park, * Post modernist architecture.
Customer Service Centre

Forthcoming Events


Winter waves at Whale Beach

AGM 14th May 2024

The Annual General Meeting of the Association was held on 14 May 2024 at Club Palm Beach. The President, Prof Richard West AM, gave his report for the 106th year of our community group, its continuity a remarkable achievement.

The work of the Association is, however, getting more difficult due to the State Government taking over planning powers from councils and Northern Beaches Council’s failure to enforce the Local Environmental Plan.

Non-compliant development applications (DAs) continue to be a problem, PBWBA generally will make a submission when a DA has several significant breaches of the LEP and DCP and is considered not to be in the interests of the Community.

Some good news in the last year includes the commitment by Minister Penny Sharpe that there will be no short term letting of the heritage buildings on Barrenjoey Headland. This follows a 22 year campaign by the Association, including two major rallies, to preserve the Headland for future generations. National Parks will be setting up a Strategic Reference Committee to consider the future of the heritage buildings, the oldest in Pittwater, on which we will be represented.

The current Office Bearers of the Association were re-elected together with all the current Committee Members, no vote being required.

Robert Mackinnon, the Association Secretary and our resident Historian, gave a fascinating talk on ‘Hidden Histories Stories from Australia’s past you didn’t learn in school’. He is gradually adding a great deal of depth to our knowledge of Australia’s history and connections to it in our local area.

The President then asked what those present considered should be our priorities for this year. Top of the list came development and the desire for us to continue to lobby the Council concerning non-compliant development followed by pressure to improve the condition of the ocean pools. Money has been allocated in next year’s budget for an assessment of work needed on Whale Beach pool but there was no allocation yet for the actual work. Palm Beach pool would be done at a later date although the urgent work needed to repair the leaks has been completed and seemed to be working. It is, however, only a short term fix.

The formal meeting was followed by a light supper and a chance to catch up with other members. We would like to thank Club Palm Beach for their hospitality and particularly to the new chef Brad for the delicious canapes,

The President’s Report can be read in full here


DA2023/1289 at 1112-1116 Barrenjoey Rd (The former General Store site)
S.34 Conciliation Conference on-site 9.30am 24 July.

We strongly encourage the Community to attend the Conciliation Conference on site on 24 July (as for 231 Whale Beach Road). We need to indicate again to the Court that there is major community concern with this development application.

Objections can still be submitted to the Council website. Click here for DA2023/1289

The Land & Environment Court has listed this matter for a conciliation conference pursuant to s.34 of the Land & Environment Court Act 1979 on 24 July 2024.

The conference will commence at 9:30am at the Property.

The s.34 conference allows objectors/supporters the opportunity to inform the Court orally of their concerns in relation to the proposed development. The Commissioner presiding will have discretion as to the number of objectors/supporters permitted to address the Court. It is the usual course for the Commissioner to hear from objectors/supporters at the commencement of the conference.

Following the evidence from objectors/supporters, the parties to the proceedings will then participate in a conciliation conference. Please be aware that this is a confidential conference between the parties and the Court and, as such, objectors/supporters will not be permitted to attend. The purpose of a conciliation conference is to explore whether an agreement can be reached between the parties. If the matter is not resolved between the parties at the conciliation conference, the matter will be set down for a Court hearing at a later date. At the Court hearing, copies of all residents’ submissions will be given to and considered by the Court.

If you wish to attend the conciliation conference and address the Court with your concerns/comments, could you please inform the writer no later than 24 June, 2024

DA2022/0469 1102 Barrenjoey Rd (former fish & chip shop site)

L & E Court hearing 23 (on-site) & 24 October 2024

Click here for DA 2022/0469

The Section 34 Conference held in March has been terminated by Commissioner Dickson and the appeal has been listed for hearing on 23-24 October 2024.

The hearing will commence on-site on 23 October 2024 at 9:30am to enable the Commissioner (who may be a new Commissioner) to view the site and surrounds and to hear from any person who wishes to address the Court. The hearing will then proceed in Court.

The applicant submitted amended plans for consideration by the Council and objectors on March 28. While the amended plans were considered to address the contentions raised by Council’s experts, advice from Geotechnical Experts retained by objectors raised issues that are of concern to Council.

As a result of these concerns, the applicant was advised that as the amended plans propose changes to the location of the building on the land and the extent of excavation, full construction plans for the excavation and basement are required.

The applicant agreed to provide the required plans however the Court would not grant the 8 week extension of the s34 conference needed for the plans to be prepared and considered by both Council and the objectors’ consultants.

As a result the s34 conference was terminated.

Council was informed by the applicant that the required plans will be provided and that they intend to amend their application to include the amended plans that were sent to interested persons on 28 March 2024.

When the requested plans are received, Council’s lawyers are instructed to make them available to the objectors’ consultants for comment.

If you wish to address the Court on the first day of the hearing (23 October on-site) would you please advise Council’s lawyers. Chris Gough|Storey & Gough Lawyers
T +61 2 9689 0700 | M0B 0419 400 999 E:

All letters received in response to the amended plans sent out on 28 March shall be provided to the Court prior to the hearing together with any further comments that are received prior to the hearing.

DA2023/1532 at 15 Ocean Rd Palm Beach

Demolition works and construction of a dwelling house including swimming pool.


More than 20 objections were submitted by the Community, including two separate submissions from PBWBA, for this proposed development. Objections related to several breaches of the LEP and DCPs including height, bulk and scale and Palm Beach locality character. The DA was referred to the Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel (NBLPP) by the NBC planning officers with a recommendation for refusal.

The DA was refused by the NBLPP on 5th June 2024 on several grounds including breaches of height, visual amenity, excessive excavation, overshadowing, privacy and not considered to be in the public interest.

Read the full decision here: NBLPP decision 15 Ocean Rd (pg 9 – 22).


We are very pleased to note that, in response to many complaints from residents and Community Groups, Cr Korzy proposed a motion at the last Council meeting that a review of the NBC Community Participation Plan (CPP) consider how notification of DAs can be improved, particularly: increased geographic distribution of mail notifications, improved website visibilty and resident/community group notification. The motion was supported unanimously by all Councillors.

We strongly support this review and look forward to further consultation.


The draft 2024 Local Environment Plan has been prepared by the Council and will be discussed by the Councillors at a special Council meeting on 17th June.

Extraordinary Council Meeting Agenda (item 11.1 page 5)

You can also watch the live stream via the (click here) webcast from 6pm.

The main purpose of the meeting will be to decide whether the draft is in a proper state to be submitted to the Department of Planning for gateway clearance, to allow it to be put on public display. The Council expects that
the Department may take a number of months to reach its decision and it is therefore unlikely that the draft will be put on public display for public submissions before the end of the year.

The draft LEP includes a number of intended outcomes, the most critical of which from the PBWBA point of view are: –

  • Protection of the environmental, scenic and cultural values of bushland, coast and waterways;
  • Avoidance of intensification, inappropriate development and incompatible land uses in hazardous areas;
  • Support for the creation of liveable communities through increasing tree canopy, reducing urban heat and delivering amenity;

We will examine the draft LEP closely and are seeking a meeting with the Pittwater Ward Councillors and other Community Groups to discuss our concerns particularly with regard to the establishment of a Scenic Foreshore Protection Zone, floor space ratios and excavation/earthworks limits.

The draft LEP can be read here: Agenda – Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel – 20240523 – Extraordinary Meeting.pdf

Article in Pittwater OnLine News: Pittwater Online News Draft LEP

It is interesting to note that Council received 25 resident and ‘friends of’ place-based group submissions of which 15 were from Pittwater (11 of which expressed specific concerns with proposed changes from C Zones to Residential; and 4 commenting on methodology).



Council have advised that, after investigations by Council Engineers and NSW Govt Engineers, the landslip which occurred in May was a natural occurrence and not caused by development in the vicinity.


Repair work is now complete and is holding reasonably well. Major work on the Palm Beach Pool is scheduled for 2026 with the Whale Beach and Bilgola Beach pools respectively prioritised ahead of it. We are urging Council to prioritise the PB pool repair.


The proposed Council budget allows for a longer term more aesthetic solution than what has been implemented to date and will include a wider diameter stormwater pipe.


Council has recently installed accessible toilet facilities here.


Northern Beaches Council has released its draft delivery plan for the years 2024 to 2028 which shows a deficit for next year which will increase each year after that. The total budget is $500m and a proposed solution is to increase rates by 14% with little effort to cut expenditure. Documents can be viewed on Have Your Say on the Council website but comments have now closed. Click here: Delivery Program

The proposed 2024/25 budget was discussed at the Council meeting held on Tuesday, 30 April. The lively debate revealed a budget black hole of $5.8m.

In order to cover the expected $5.8m budget deficit and a shortfall on infrastructure funding, Council will propose a rate rise of up to 20 percent over and above any rise approved by IPART. Council will also seek to balance the books by taking $4.6m from the Mona Vale Cemetery fund.

All the Liberal Councillors present voted against the budget, saying they were ‘furious’ that Council had failed to manage expenditure, pointing at an 8.8 percent increase in the largest item of expenditure which is employee costs.

The delivery program sets out the work Council will do over the next four years to address the community priorities as set out in the Community Strategic Plan (CSP).

The operational plan is the first year of the delivery program. This details the 2024/25 budget for all services and infrastructure, ongoing maintenance and depreciation and Council fees and charges.

The long-term financial plan has been revised to reflect updated assumptions and scenarios.

The asset management plan has been revised to align with the long-term financial plan.

To view all the documents click on the link:
Delivery Program 2024-2028 | Your Say Northern Beaches (
Click here for Snapshot  – Avalon to Palm Beach which details projects for Palm Beach & Whale Beach.

PBWBA has submitted comments & questions re the Budget and Delivery Program including –

Does the Council have a record of the individual capital grants that have been received and how they have been spent? Are the accounts audited and if so, is it shown where these grants go or do they go into general revenue?
RATES – $359M (57% of income)
How much of this $359M in rates comes from Palm Beach (PB) and Whale Beach? (WB)

How much is raised from:-
1. Parking. In general from PB and WB?
2. Other income
Governor Phillip Park – parking, Golf Club, Dunes, North Palm Beach Surf Club, The Joey, Home & Away and other fees and charges. Where have the monies collected from Governor Phillip Park been spent? They should have been used to upgrade the park

There is almost no recognised expenditure for Palm Beach and Whale Beach in the Delivery Program.
On examination we could find only the following expenditure in PB and WB –
*Florida Rd – 225m road re-sheeting. We question why Florida Rd? It is in reasonably good condition. We suggest there are many other roads which should take precedence.

*There is no allocation for curb and guttering, footpaths or other roads. Over the years we have submitted many requests for upgrades to roads and footpaths in many areas in PB and WB, many of which are unsafe – in particular Surf Rd at the junction with Barrenjoey Rd, Whale Beach Rd where it continues on from Florida Road and Ocean Place Palm Beach.

*Pools. There is no budget for major repairs for WB Pool, only a budget for planning. There is no budget for PB pool repairs until 2026.

*Retaining wall renewal Florida Rd $1.1 million. This is actually maintenance as the road has collapsed.

There is very little return in the program for the rate payers of Palm Beach and Whale Beach. Our rates are considerable.
There is no budget for maintaining Governor Phillip Park.

There is no budget for the walkway from Whale Beach to Palm Beach along Whale Beach Road nor for the completion of the South Palm Beach landscaping program.

Both of these projects were funded under Capital grants from NSW Government. These grants seem to have disappeared. Where has the money gone?

We attended a briefing by council officers for the Pittwater Community Alliance and were told under the present budget that NBC will not be able to maintain services or continue their capital works programs.

When there is a budget problem, the first thing which should to be done is to look at reducing expenses. We asked what attempt been been made in this respect.

The response was that only $400,000 in reductions had been found, which is 0.5% of the budget.

We believe that the Council needs to get back to basics and review its operations and concentrate on its core business ie maintaining infrastructure, local facilities, roads, footpaths, rubbish collection etc

One of the solutions suggested was a 14% rise in rates.
This is unacceptable when many rate payers are suffering severe financial stress due to the rising cost of living.
The council must live within its budget and not just treat rate payers as cash cows.



Northern Beaches Council is reviewing and updating the 2002 Plan of Management (PoM) for Governor Phillip Park, Palm Beach and considering the recreational, environmental, social and cultural values and characteristics of the area.
The new plan will guide the use and management of the Park to meet Community needs now and into the future.

Council asked the Community for feedback via “Have Your Say” on park usage, what we like most about the park, and our ideas and aspirations for improvements. The ideas board and survey are now closed and Council is currently reviewing all feedback received.

Click here: Gov Phillip Park Plan of Management

We believe the Park should be kept as natural as possible with minimal intervention and minimising “urban” elements (eg asphalt and concrete) unless there are no suitable alternatives. The natural environment, the wildlife, the history and the spectacular setting of the Park should be celebrated and protected.

PBWBA and the local community have become more and more concerned about, among many things, the increasingly tired and worn state of Governor Phillip Park, weed infestation, inadequacy of infrastructure, lack of maintenance, poor road surfaces, poor drainage. lack of wayfinding, no acknowledgement of history both indigenous and European and the lack of transparency regarding revenue raised from all sources within the Park and how it is spent.

We submitted three separate documents including approx 55 photographs to illustrate our ideas, concerns and comments. 1. Background and ideas 2. impacts of Home & Away filming 3. potholes and damaged roads.
We look forward to further Community consultation when the draft PoM is prepared.

Potholes and damaged road surface  |  Multiple trucks and vehicles impact parking, road edges and public access.


PBWBA constantly requests that the Council pursue all possible avenues for funding for Governor Phillip Park for repairs, maintenance and weed control in particular.

Council has been advised by the NSW Government that its latest application for funding under the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund has been successful and that $121,000 will be provided to assist with weed control throughout Governor Phillip Park.

This funding will be used to target, in particular, morning glory and asparagus fern.


Congratulations! A very beautiful, popular and well loved part of Governor Phillip Park.



Council has received concerns from residents regarding restricted road width and obstructed sightlines of oncoming traffic on the bends of Surf Road, between Barrenjoey Road and Bynya Rd.This can create unsafe road conditions. These issues are arising due to vehicles parking on the inner curve of a bend. Council consulted on this matter in December 2020 after investigating the site and proposed to install No Stopping Restrictions on the inner curves of the street. The matter was not however progressed at the time owing to a low response rate. Following renewed requests from residents, Council would like to reconsult on this matter. As the width in Surf Road ranges from 5.5 6.5m, parking would only be allowed on one side to maintain 3m of road for vehicle passing. As such, this proposal does not remove legal on street parking but will formalise it to one side, minimise the potential for the road to be blocked by careless parking and improve visibility for road users.

Yellow lines indicate proposed “NO STOPPING” restriction
Council invites you to respond to this proposal by completing this form SURF RD PALM BEACH CONSULTATION
Please respond by selecting I Support or I Do Not Support by 29 June 2024. Your response will only be considered if it includes your name and address. Please note that individual responses to submissions will not be given. Once feedback has been reviewed, the matter may then be raised for consideration at the Northern Beaches Council Local Traffic Committee. The Traffic Committee’s decision will be available on Council’s website one week after the meeting.

Dangerous intersection Surf Rd/Barrenjoey Rd


Vehicle noise is controlled by multiple State laws, different aspects are handled by different Govt agencies although some areas overlap.

The EPA is concerned with vehicle’s systems operating within certain specified noise limits and whether equipment complies with regulations.

The NSW police force is responsible for on road standards and driver behaviour.

TforNSW is the main agency for vehicles and is responsible for motor vehicle standards in NSW.

Noise camera detection systems will be trialled by the Govt in the Bayside and Wollongong areas then the trial evaluated and a decision made whether to roll these systems out in other LGAs.

Should you wish to report excessively noisy vehicles please call the EPA Environment Line on 131 555 or make a report online here EPA Noisy Exhaust Report Form.


by Emily Ashton (Committee)

As development continues in this beautiful part of the world, it is heartening to know that our Pittwater forebears had an attitude of “live and let live.” This approach evolved into a network of footpaths for community use.

These paths provide off-road, pedestrian shortcuts to the beaches, waterways, local parks and shops – probably suggested by the natural flow of foot traffic when the area was forming. These days though, some are less obvious than others.

Often, they weave between private houses to get from A to B; owners are usually aware of the publicly owned land as part of their due diligence when purchasing. It is this public ownership that ensures the paths’ continuity for community access. This contrasts strongly with a visit to the other Palm Beach in the USA many years ago: There, I recall privately owned beaches and paths fenced off for private use under lock and key.

We are fortunate to have an infrastructure that embodies a kinder, more inclusive attitude – the way a society shares its natural resources says a lot. To their credit, the Council has been recently installing signs on request to indicate less obvious footpaths’ locations.

Ultimately, we would like to (re)introduce you to well-known and not so well-known pathways established in the spirit of inclusive pedestrian access. See below for a “tip of the iceberg” peek at the extensive network of paths we are lucky to have. Our public pathways are precious!

Unsure how to locate these paths? Just put the street numbers listed below in your phone’s maps and your phone should guide you there.

Located at the northern end of Whale Beach Rd (opposite 242 Whale Beach Road) this Public Pathway leads to the northern end of Whale Beach.

If you have a favourite public pathway or would like Council to replace/install a missing sign, reinstate one which has disappeared or repair/maintain an overgrown path, please share the details and a photo with us at so we can follow up with Council.

With a few more clicks we encourage you to report this information directly to council using the link below – direct feedback is important:
Footpath Maintenance – Northern Beaches Council (

This Public Pathway between 90/92 Whale Beach Rd, leads to 81/83 Dolphin Crescent – it is a handy shortcut to Careel Bay and the shops.

The Public Pathway between 221/223 Whale Beach Rd (near Moby Dicks) leads to the beach.

More to come in the next newsletter, in the meantime – Happy Walking!



click here: National Maritime Museum – Midget Farrelly

Midget Farrelly petroglyph is emerging from one of the big rocks on Ocean Rd.

Local surfing legend Bernard “Midget” Farrelly, dubbed the ‘Godfather’ of Australian surfing, will be forever honoured and remembered with a rock carving at Palm Beach.

Following public consultation, Council has endorsed a proposal by the Midget Farrelly Recognition Committee to install a public artwork on Black Rock, Ocean Road Palm Beach.

Midget lived at Palm Beach for 54 years and surfed there almost every day on one of his many short and malibu surfboards. He passed away in 2016 at the age of 71, after a battle with cancer.

He became the first Australian to win a major international surfing title at the 1962 Makaha International Surfing Championships. Two years later, he won the inaugural World Surfing Championships at Manly Beach. In 1985, he was inducted into the Sport Australia Hall of Fame, recognising his contribution to surfing.

He started his first surfboard business in Palm Beach at the age of 18 after working for renowned Barry Bennett surfboards in Brookvale from the age of 15. He was considered a major player in the shortboard revolution.

Midget gave back to the local community through the Palm Beach and Whale Beach Surf Lifesaving Clubs, where he was a member and mentor for over 20 years.

The Recognition Committee recommended a petroglyph carving, which is created by incising, picking, carving or abrading part of the rock surface and Newton Stone Design has now completed the work. Newton Stone Design are experienced stone carvers. The principal carver, Newton Bishop, has been involved in numerous local stone carving projects on the Northern Beaches.


The closure of the Avalon Customer Contact Centre late last year followed an extensive review of the viability of customer service centres.

After an Expressions of Interest process, Council has endorsed a proposal to enter into a community licence agreement with the Burdekin Association as the auspice of the Avalon Youth Hub. Click here for further information:

Avalon Youth Hub offers free counselling, case management, mentoring, advice, referrals and general support to young people in Pittwater. A move into the new space will enable an expansion for additional workshops and information sessions to tackle the challenges facing young people and the broader community.

The Burdekin Association was selected from one of four applications received. As part of the process, applicants had to demonstrate that their use of the facility will increase health and wellbeing of the Northern Beaches community.

Access to this facility will help Avalon Youth Hub to expand their services at a time when we are seeing an unprecedented rise in mental health conditions, isolation and online bullying.



A grant has been received by NBC from Heritage NSW to identify examples of Modernist architecture in the LGA. The catalyst for this Study was the Pittwater Community Based Heritage Study (2015) which noted the remarkable number of examples of Modernist architecture which were in the former Pittwater Council area and recommended that further study be undertaken. As the former Councils of Pittwater, Warringah and Manly were amalgamated in 2016, it is appropriate that further study now looks at modern architecture throughout the whole Northern Beaches area.

In Australia, notable modernist architects included Harry Sielder, Arthur Baldwinson, Peter Muller, Stan Symonds, Sydney Ancher, Richard Leplastrier, Kenneth Woolley and Bruce Rickard. Walter Burley Griffin, his wife Marion Mahony Griffin and Alexander Stewart Jolly were early exponents of the movement in Australia.

Council will also consider outstanding examples of architecture both pre- and post-modernist (contemporary).
If you’re unsure about a property, or have any questions, please contact our Secretary, Robert Mackinnon, who has met with the council staff engaged on this study and as an active member of the Australian Architecture Association has a good appreciation of the type of property that council might consider worthy of nomination. You can reach Robert at or call him on 0414 902 734

Nominations close: Sun 23 Jun 2024
Click here for more information: Northern Beaches Modernist Architecture Heritage Study


Dunbar Park is a key location for the Community.

Council committed to several actions to improve some of the amenity of Dunbar Park and surrounds in the Avalon Beach Place Plan. The improvements for the park will make it more appealing and useable for a range of activities, including comfortable places for people to meet, gather and play, improved lighting, and space for performances and events.

Implementation of the improvements will be staged in accordance with funding and scheduled to minimise disturbance to the community.
Improvements include:

  • lighting to provide a sense of liveliness and safety
  • providing pop-up play spaces and active play elements
  • increasing public seating, picnic benches and tables
  • increasing footpath widths where required
  • providing shelter for shade and weather protection
  • opportunities for arts and performance spaces
  • installing new bike parking.

The concept plan is preliminary which means, where appropriate, Council will take the Community’s feedback into account as they commence detailed design.
Click here to view the Dunbar Park – Have Your Say concept plan , comment or
complete a short survey or email or write to Council marked ‘Dunbar Park, Avalon Beach’
PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.

Comments close Wednesday 26 June.



Monday June 24th The Pacific Club 10.30am


Monday June 17th (moved due to King’s Birthday on Mon 10th June) 7pm The Pacific Club


Tuesday July 2, 2024 at 5.45pm Room 2, Avalon Rec Centre Cost: $10
Details & booking: Avalon Library – Author Talk or enquire at the library ph: 8495 5080


Avalon Recreation Centre Sept 27 – 29 2024 Details:
Connecting readers with their favourite authors.


13 Sep to 6 Oct North Head Scenic Dr, Manly
Experience the magic of Night at the Barracks concert series in Manly’s North Head Sanctuary. Enjoy a unique blend of captivating performances under the stars, set against Sydney Harbour’s stunning backdrop.
Lineup announcement coming soon!


Governor Phillip Park 9am to 3pm
Sunday 23rd June, Sunday 28th July, Sunday 25th August


The Avalon Beach Red Cross Shop is looking for volunteers.

Shop 4&5/48 Old Barrenjoey Rd Avalon Beach
(down the alleyway) ph 8414 1801


Men’s Kitchen Is food your passion?!

Ever considered sharing your knowledge with others? Men’s Kitchen is looking for volunteer Cooking Instructors to help teach local older men basic cooking skills in a fun and relaxed environment.

They’re seeking competent home cooks, cooking teachers or chefs to volunteer at their Warriewood location on a Wednesdays from 10.45am – 2.15pm once a month.
Interested? Click here: Men’s Kitchen – Application Form

Please do not hesitate to contact PBWBA with any questions, concerns or thoughts.

Prof Richard West AM
0407 942 941